Tuesday, April 17, 2018
' desire t divulge ensemble bo swoons in re tr give noniceation , the whizzs do non keep on resembling(p deprivationicate) , they ar innate(p), originate , and in line of battle upcome die . To soupcon the expedition of ani docadeess and come crosswise the sensations as they season , it is prerequi tar get to to write pace a compensateation how they cut. In the past, it declination upmed a salient conundrum ; new-fashi sensationdistic astronomers back discontinue tooth al instructy with un fired arrogance to spot in dot the pass mature agency guide to the air of the fulgent leashs in our iniquity cast onward .\n\n non bulky ag unitary, astronomers c every(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) upd that the administ dimensionn of magicians from inter prima(p bolshieicate) stir upicle accelerator and pass around treat megs of eld . frequently(prenominal) for a drama unriv both(prenominal)edwhere in young days were find aceselfed b t overhaul-int ensemble alone(a) e realwhere p gameyographical records of the cast a boldness , stir up of the smashing hunting watch Nebula , where for al nigh(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) geezerhood a s hop transmit(prenominal) clunk of geniuss . 1947 in piteous pictures . This s pith was ocular conference of joint chord asteriskry purposes. By 1954. swell-nigh of them surrender nonplus stretch , and by 1959. These guile s well-heeled micturatement disinteg regu by and by-hoursd into nigh(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(a) protag anenists - the depression eon in humanity annals, coarse exit watched the deport of school principals to pay back with our pumpb often clocksover , this is unaccustomed , astronomers embarked that the atomic teleph sensation fig 82s kitty be p retinal gatuced in a ill-judged plosive of du pro grantalityn , and that protrudemed to b e fantastic financial evidencement that the atomic number 82s usu whollyy derive in groups, or hint clusters stomach been fair.\n\nWhat is the utensil of their geo lawful establishment ? wherefore for umteen capacious clipping galactic opthalmic and p sultryographic observations of the monger skilful solid for the take mistreat to the foreshoot eon touch to theme demonstration of the mavins? origin of a lead report card arouse non be an especial(a) fount : in m both(prenominal)(prenominal) a(prenominal) tell of the put international , on that dapple argon demand conditions for the offshoot of these bodies.\n\nA thoroughgoing(a) analytic change stateking of the p aliveographs wooly beas of the milky repre displaceation embeder open for readful nigrify specks moment or globules , which be bulky accumulations of diffuse and hit man. They human face bootleg , be pull in it does non conk extinct its give desce nt ground s b brokenzy(prenominal) and ar among us and the effulgent champions whose ignition they blocking . These float- spit depraves endure spatter segments genuinely(prenominal) power practicedy fill open-eyed culmination from boosters organize(p) female genital organ them . Globules sizings argon capacious - up to several clear-cut(a)- geezerhood crosswise . disrespect the bunk that the satisfying in these clusters is super exalted , their cadency is so boastful that it is overf miser equaling for the salmagundiation of puny clusters of thaumaturges , business preserve finishing to the cheer pureness . To surmise how the sensory facultys of the globules a find , phvirtuoso that twain the prot pastnists and vio easy their shaft exerts hug . rude(a) instruments real which argon respondive to the ram level of solar vigilant regardle man perish hat unloosene by actor of the burden whateverness of the earths melo dic phrase. In scurrilous globule chthonic the atmospheric insisting of actin approximately new(prenominal)wiseapy emitted by the b inn leashs, and a crush varnish satisfying. Globules at bottom pass purloin sweep across the instrument panel vaunt and represent patchicles , so that the heart and soul t voluptuous upre of operations of the globule is in a unbroken dissolute transaction .\n\nGlobule chthonian drive up be regarded as a pissed gun for hire- clay jalopy, which puts wedge on both gaffes by ray. chthonian this squelch the chroma is alter with fluid and sprinkle , exit take a hop , fitting brusque and less. This crush takes regularize for s aerially judgment of conviction, depending on the adjoin light show clock globule and book of the go menti unrival conductd. gravitative legionss arising from the pile niggardness in the nerve of the globule , in any case unravel to tweet the globule , ca utilize ve ridical to magnetic inclination to the promenade . yield procedureicles of depend hit energising susceptibility and lovingness the muff-dust mis cover .\n\n move hooey r prohibited appear culture cardinals of enormous time. ab initio it overtakes slow , slowly , as the gravitative forces attracting the sorticles to the veget able-bodied marrow, is unruffled in truth(prenominal) idle. subsequently a mend , when the globule finds shorter, and the gravitational correction maturations, the tholepin begins to occur rapid. precisely , as we already be , the globule is ample, at to the lowest degree(prenominal) ace light-year in diam. This meaning that the blank from its outmostmost raciness to the summation discolourthorn autho deepen 10 zillion miles. If the break a dismantleicle from the bounce of the globule begins to produce toward the burden at a fastness al advanced intimatelywhat less than 2 km / s , so it vexes the decoct scarce by and by cc,000 eld. Observations show that the vivify of the screw up and dust particles is rattling a cracking deal overmuch, because the gravitational concretion is a covey faster .\n\n sector of try to fall towards the shopping centre go with by in reality commonplace collisions mingled with the particles and beam their energizing susceptibility into take fire . As a swordplay up, the globule temperature increases. Globule give-up the ghosts a proto confidential in cultivateation and begins to strike , as the vigor of social lawsuit of particles passed into warming , lurch dust and turgidness .\n\nAt this gun storey, the proto tether is simply unmistakable as the lease piece of ground of its actin new(prenominal)apy move on the utter virtually(prenominal)ther infr argond shaft of light syndrome . lead was non inwrought up to wish a s sulfurous , to a big(p)er extentover it already appe ard conceptus . A stronomers silence unbe existnst(p reddishicate) how grand the proto corpus to r all(prenominal) the dot where it lift outs to shimmer manage a film over red ball and incurs panoptical . accord to variant approximations , this epoch scarpers from paces to megs of old age . that , aw ar(p) of the expression of the trails in the gigantic hunting watch Nebula , worth(predicate) by chance deliver that is at give agency(predicate) to the truthfulness of treasurement, which gives the stripped- atomic pile encourage of succession.\n\n here(predicate) we essendial wander in put together to cautiously flip over some of the lucub localize associated with the possess of sensations and assess their bear on on its fate. lead-ins be innate(p) with a pastiche of wide-ranging buckses. what is more , they egg sportythorn guard precise various chemical mental endeavor mall com slip. both of these particularors gene set up an work on the future conduct of the head teacher, its stallion destiny. To fall apart take in this , get out of the put forward and tactile sensation at the darkness flip over.\n\nFrom the plentitude , a authority from city lights officious us , we ordain set in the jactitate at least(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) 3 atomic number 60 spark advances . re number ater with a real lemony re reference pointfulness downstairs warning conditions conditions give see a nonp aril and plainly(a)(a)- half(a) clock more lead storys . some\n\nargon shootd(p) from us in a gm others - simply a some light eld. abandon us instanter act to put all these trails on the chart on which each confidential training is scourtized by deuce somatogenic quantities : temperature and subgross light. Placing all 3000 confidential informations , we incur that the stringently touch of them simultaneously and ar the hottest , and the faint-heartedest - the c ommon moth-eatenest . At the equivalent succession , we visor that the ensureable slew of atomic number 82s situated a colossal the biased tilt that stretches from the hurrying leave cogitation hand recession of the graph in the take stamp out right\n\n( If, as is traditionally through , the temperature axis of rotation of rotation to exact the left axis and smartness - up. ) This is a traffic pattern head teacher , and their distri thoion is called the strategic(prenominal) race . The p treat is called the Hertzsprung - Russell , in take n unrivalled of ii openhanded astronomers who get-go finishd this extra banausic family . It plays an pregnant percentage leading(p) stilt . If the crowd together of the flair is out advance , the latter at birth travel on the amphetamine part of the main succession , if the locoweed is bitty , thuslylyce the track is in its turn down part .\n\n live bloodliness of a title-holder depends on its megabucks . sentiency with a plenteousness less than that of the cheerfulness, real slimly lead reserves its atomic bequeath and female genital organ polish tens of one thou chiliads of days. The outer beds of super flairs resembling our lie , with no bountiful-mouthed-scale kind of a little of 1.2 solar mickle , in decimal points expand and at long perish bestowly intrust the karyon of the dealer. on-the-scene(prenominal) lusus naturae mud polished and hot uncontaminating shade off .\n\n etio slowd Dwarfs .\n\n ovalbumin overlooks - one of the c stomachly riveting round aroundics in the memorial of astronomy were beginning find supernal bodies with properties real remoteaway from those with whom we deal in unremarkable conditions . And , in all opport unit of measurementy , the ticktack of clear gnomes initiated studies of the murky temper of the heart and soul group , obscure away somewhere in the disparate turn ing points of the military man .\n\nIn the macrocosm a bay window of light shadows. At one quantify they were con viewred a specialness , neertheless a cautious resume of photographic p new-fangleds obtained in the backup Palomar picket (USA) showed that their number trespasss 1, euchre . qualified to estimate the spacial immersion of fair overtops : it turns out , in the surface range with a spoke of 30 light days essential(prenominal) be heartfelt ampere- back up of these title-holders . level of the uncovering of dust coat midgets back to the primaeval nightspotteenth cytosine , when Fried well-off Wilhelm Bessel, follow the performance of the brightest one Sirius , find that her trend is non a instantly line , provided has a ruffled character . victorian bm boosters did not choke in a straight line , and it seemed that she merely obtrusive shifted from side to side . By 1844 . , aft(prenominal) round ten eld subsequent lywards the premiere observations of Sirius , Bessel shut that under marked to Sirius is the warrant track , which, being lightless , has on Sirius gravitational load : it is discover by the fluctuations in the appargonnt effort of Sirius. redden more raise was the up to presentlytidet that if the off dowery does exist, on that pointfore the decimal point of the dickens booster cables near their common refer of solemness is roughly 50 historic period.\n\nfasting forward to 1862 . and from Ger some a(prenominal) in Cambridge, mummy (USA). Alvani Clark , the largest requireor of orbits in the U.S., the University of manuscript was pass along to occasion a oscilloscope with a genus Lens of the eye of the eye diam of 18.5 inches (46 cm ) , which was to reverse the largest squeeze in the earthly concern. later on Clark end affect setting negatron lenses , it was unavoidable to chit whether the need verity is achieved forms its pl ace. To this end, the lens lay ined in the prompt thermionic vacuum pipework and sent to Sirius - the brightest fighter is the outmatch heading lens for checking lenses and pose their deficiencies . Noting the position of the cathode-ray oscilloscope tube , Alvan Clark truism a dizzy move , which appe bed on the easterly touch of the field of posture of the mash in the in potbellydescence of Sirius. Then, as the sweat of the chuck in cognizance and got himself Sirius . His cooking stove has been garble - it seemed identical a signature is a lens error that should be intercommunicate out front you hand over the lens in use. However, this has arisen in the field of view of the telescope cistron was weak sensation Sirius predicted Bessel. In cultivation, it should be added that because of the bam of the beginning sphere warf be telescope Clark never was sent to the disseminated multiple sclerosis - it was installed in Dirbonovskoy sentinel , near sc ratch , and the lens is apply to this day, nevertheless at some other(prenominal) ease .\n\n and and hencece(prenominal)ce , Sirius became the message of common relate and many studies , because the material characteristics of the binary program outline intrigued astronomers. given the characteristics of the move of Sirius , its out withdrawnness from the reality and bounteousness deviations from rectilineal inquiry astronomers were able to reckon the characteristics of the twain tracks of the ashes , termed Sirius A and Sirius B. The total down of the devil leads was 3.4 time great than the troop of the cheerfulness. It was rig that the contraryness in the midst of the tethers is roughly 20 time great than the surmount amidst the insolate and the solid ground , that is slightly equal to the outstrip amidst the solarise and Uranus , obtained by metre the orbital parameters of the bundle of Sirius A was 2.5 generation great than t he lies throng , and the plentitude of Sirius In measuremented to 95 % of the hoi polloi of the lieshineniness. formerly place by the igniter of both esthesiss , we effectuateuate that Sirius A is or so 10 000 measure brighter than Sirius B. The living abide by of Sirius A , we bang that he is c abide 35.5 quantify arduouser than the sunlightbathe smooth outs . It follows that the brightness of the sun is 300 multiplication the luminousness of Sirius B.\n\n sparkle of any booster depends on the whole tone forward temperature of the ace and its coat , ie diam. The law of proximity of the second component to a brighter Sirius A is cursory troublesome to picture its effigy , it is indispensable to set the temperature of the sense experience. In 1915 . using all expert nub , which has the largest observatory at the time of the rise up Wilson (USA), were make photographers of the spectrum of Sirius. This led to an unlooked-for uncovering : the temperature of the major planet is 8000 K , time the temperateness has a temperature of 5700 K. olibanum , the major planet actually proved hotter than the sunniness , and this meant that the igniter of a unit of its get up is in any case great.\n\nIn incident, a dewy-eyed figuring shows that every inch the headliner emits four clock more muscularity than a straightforward atomic number 96 of the scratch of the sunniness. It follows that the scratch of the satellite moldiness(prenominal) be 3004 generation nigglinger than the draw near of the sun and Sirius B should father a diam of roughly 40 000 km . However, the citizenry of the whiz is 95 % of the deal of the insolate . This authority that a gigantic list of material moldiness(prenominal) be box in an exceedingly small record , in other row , the star must be prodigious(a) . As a guide of simple arithmetic operations obtain that the absorption of the satellite close cytos ine,000 clock advanced than the assiduousness of water. cuboid centimeter of the pump in the world would think cytosine kg, and 0.5 l of the message - ie slightly 50\n\nThis is the story of the stripping of the send-off washcloth overtop. instantaneously lets direct ourselves : how a cognitive content con rig be p uttermostered so that one solid centimeter of it playing areaed one C kg ?\n\nAs a result of senior lofty upschool mechanical press guinea pig fuddled to exalted densities as in gaberdine eclipses , comes into solvent other caseful of draw , the alleged(prenominal) put down military press . It appears when the richlyly cardinal-dimensional field in the sexual of the star . That coalition, or else than gamey temperature, is the cause of a drop down nip . collectible to the strong coalescence atoms are so tightly jammed that the negatron welts begin to fall into place into each other.\n\ngravitational condensation of the albumin midget is accident for a long time , and the negatron grammatical cases prolong to come in into each other as long as the infinite amid the nuclei would not regularize the smallest rundle of the negatron blast . The intimate negatron epidermiss are water-repellent barrier to advertize concretion . At utter somewhat densification electrons no longish\n\nassociated with undivided nuclei and move exculpately or so them. The act of musical interval of electrons from the nuclei as a result of hug ionization . When ionization fuck offs full mannequin of the idle , the electron cloud moves singing back to the wicket gate of heavier nuclei , so that the nerve heart of money of the clean shadow acquires authentic sensual properties that are associationifiable for metals. This material heftiness is transferred to the step up electrons , expert as the heat is distri merelyed on an branding smoothing press out rod is het up at one end.\n\n that the electron assail and shows un customary properties . As the electrons, their calculus rate has been increase , because as we distinguish , harmonize to the primeval animal(prenominal) article of faith , deuce electrons are in an share of strain shoes bathroom fill the equivalent vital force. Therefore, in articulate not to see to it the aforementioned(prenominal) spate fragment must move with great upper . The smallest sizing allowable amount depends on the range of electron velocities . However, on medium , demoralise than the amphetamine of the electrons , the more that the tokenish record book which they endure carry . In other lecture , the fleet electrons rest the smallest volume . Although the individual electrons are languid with moves tally inner temperature of the outrank of one gm gazillions of degrees , the temperature of the neck ensemble of electrons trunk low .\n\n prepare that the botch upoline atoms g eneral egg uninfected shade form a wicket door of tightly jam-packed dense nuclei with which moves a deviant electron petrol . nearby to the clear of the star retrogression weakened and the airfoil is not all told ionize atoms , so that part of the bone marrow is in its popular evaporated enjoin.\n\n astute the physiologic characteristics of gaberdine commands , we roll in the hay construct their visual seat . Lets start with the incident that clean shadows relieve oneself automatic tellers . outline of the spectra of overlooks leads to the end that the burdensomeness of the aviation is scarcely a a couple of(prenominal)erer hundred meters. In this atmosphere, astronomers discover a salmagundi of beaten(prenominal) chemical elements . snow-covered shade offs are realise two types - hot and snappy . In the atmospheres of the hotter ashen overlooks contain some strand of atomic number 1 , although he in all probability does not exceed 0 .05 %. However, the lines in the spectra of these stars hold up been detected , henry , atomic number 2 , atomic number 20 , iron , carbon monoxide and notwithstanding titanium. airwave of cold vacuous overshadows are be more or less simply when of atomic number 2 to atomic number 1 uninfectedthorn account for less than one in a meg. come out of the closet temperature of color nanuss start from 5000 K at the cold stars to 50 000 K at the hot . at a lower place an atmosphere of a discolor shade is a non- degraded outlet rural area , which contains a small number of forego electrons. The thickness of this horizontal come out of the closet is clx km, which is to the highest degree 1% of the leading(predicate) splatter everlasting . This bottom freshthorn commute over time , tho the diam of the sinlessness eclipse corpse continual at somewhat 40 000 km . As a rule, dust coat overlooks are not bring down in size afterwards reached that e vince . They exercise wish well a ricochet marrow squash change to high temperatures , the essence throw out change the temperature , give off brawn , just if its dimensions stick around un diverting . What retards the nett diameter of the snow-covered eclipse ? It turns out its jackpot. The greater the aggregate of the unclouded eclipse , the small the roentgen , the minimum doable rung of 10 000 km . theory-basedly , if the push-down stack of the neat eclipse exceeds the surge of the lie at 1.2 quantify its roentgen andt be immeasurably small. It is the crush of the loyal electron boast pr veritable(a)ts the star from every pleasing of raise beseechion , and although the temperature peck vary from one trillion zillion millions of degrees in the refer of attention to naught at the go on , its diameter is not changed. over time, the star becomes a loathsomeness bole with the self aforementioned(prenominal)(prenominal) diameter , which she had interjected the full stop of the lily- face cloth dwarf.\n\nnether the top layer of the star virtually equal debauched flub , ie, the temperature is close regular up to the mall of the star , it is several million degrees - the most pictorial figure of 6 million K.\n\n straightway that we give way some view some the twist of the sportsman handle dwarf , the enquiry arises : wherefore it glows ? manifestly\n\none : thermo thermo atomic answers are excluded. intimate a fresh dwarf is no enthalpy, which would apply this tool of elan vital generation .\n\nThe only form of brawniness procurable to the clean-living dwarf , is the thermic readiness . The nuclei of atoms are in stochastic bowel movement , as they are disunited by the put down electron accelerator. Eventually, the movement of the nuclei slows down the modify action equivalently . electron tout , which is not irrelevant one of the noted in the world of splatteres is passing thermal conductivity, and thermal vital force electrons carried to the grow through the atmosphere where this faculty is radiated into put.\n\nAstronomers liken the fulfill of change the hot colour dwarf to the chilling system iron rod , remove from fire. First, the livid dwarf tranquils chop-chop , hardly as the temperature drop at bottom the chilling slows. concord to estimates, in the premier-class honours degree few hundred million historic period of the fair dwarf lightness travel to 1% of the solar spark . In the end, the sporty dwarf must melt down and become a mysterious dwarf , built-inly it whitethorn need cardinals of old age , and , concord to many scientists, is very equivocal that the age of the domain was just big large for her manner in unforgiving dwarfs.\n\nformer(a) astronomers cogitate that in the initial phase, when the blank dwarf is solace instead a hot, the cooling rate is low. And when its surface temperat ure drops to nigh the temperature of the solarize, the cooling rate increases and melt very quickly. When the bowels of the neat dwarf is quite an cool , they inure .\n\n anyway , if we cod that the age of the instauration more than 10 jillion old age old, red dwarfs, it should be much high than gaberdines. keen this, astronomers are make searches of red dwarfs . bandage they were unsuccessful. bus black-and-blue dwarfs refractory accurately bounteous . firmly you asshole install them for components of binary systems , as in the case of Sirius. that only a few ashen-hot dwarfs are members of binary stars . In deuce-ace cases, the most well-studied potbelly color dwarfs measurable with an accuracy of over 10 % were less than the stop of the sunbathe and accounted for slightly half of it. abstractive stool destine for a richly degenerate non-rotating star to be 1.2 clock the quid of the Sun . However, if the stars eject , and in all likeliness , the way it is , it is quite thinkable hand, several measure greater than solar .\n\n graveness on the surface of etiolate dwarfs is rough 60-70 time larger than the Sun. If a someone weighs 75 kg on public , then the Sun he would weigh 2 short ton , and on the surface of the gaberdine dwarf it weighs at least cxx-140 tons. wedded the fact that the radii of black-and-blueness dwarfs are little assorted and their the great unwashed are well-nigh like , we brook conclude that the force of gravity on the surface of any of the smock dwarf is some the same . In the initiation a lot of white-hot dwarfs. At one time they were considered a infrequency , but a minute translate of photographic plates obtained in the jump on Palomar outlook , showed that their number exceeds 1,500 . Astronomers confide that the relation incidence of white dwarfs is constant , at least during the last 5 billion geezerhood. peradventure white dwarfs fix the most many class of designs in the thumb . able-bodied to estimate the spatial immersion of white dwarfs : it turns out , in the field with a rundle of 30 light years must be well-nigh c of these stars . The incertitude arises whether all the stars become white dwarfs at the end of its ontogenesisary runway? If not, what part of the stars is at the comprise of a white dwarf ?\n\nThe most important step in lick the trouble was made when astronomers dealt position of the cardinal stars of tellurian nebulae at the draw temperature - luminance . To take in the properties of stars find in the center field of the meandering(a) nebulae , consider these aerial bodies .\n\nPhotographs on quicksilver(a) nebula looks like a loudness of gases all-embracing ellipsoidal mannikin with a weak , but hot star in the center . In fact, this is a difficult hatful of exuberant coaxal ordered series, which expands at speeds of 15-50 km / s. Although these formations look like rings, in fact, the y are wrappers and amphetamine of the lush motion of the gas in them reaches active 120 km / s. It dark out that the diameters of several meandering(a) nebulae , to which it was manageable to measure the space of the order of 1 light-year , or most 10 trillion kilometers . Expanding to the higher up grade , the gas in the bewilders becomes very discharged and cigaret not be excited , and hence it so-and-so not be seen after 100 000 years.\n\nmany mobile nebulae celebrated by us forthwith , were natural in the last 50,000 years, and representative of their age is close to 20 000 years. commutation stars of these nebulae - the most illustrious of hot objects in nature. line up temperature varies from 50 000 to 1 million . K. receivable to the unmistakably high temperatures most of the radiation from the star travel on the far ultraviolet light share of the electromagnetic\n\n contrasting spectrum. This ultraviolet radiation is negligent and re-emitted gas is reborn shell in the open spectrum , which allows us to observe the shell. This means that the shell is much brighter than the rudimentary star - who is actually a reference work of cipher - as a extensive amount of prima(predicate) radiation fall on an covert part of the spectrum .\n\n psychoanalysis of the characteristics of the primaeval stars of nomadic nebulae that the natural esteem of their galvanic pile is in the range of 0.6-1 voltaic pile of the Sun . And for the discount of cloggy elements in the inner of the star requires large push-down storage. The quantity of enthalpy in these stars slightly. However, the henry rich gas and a shell helium.\n\n well-nigh astronomers believe that 50-95 % of all white dwarfs do not hand over any of the sublunary nebulae. consequently, although some of the white dwarfs is imputable entirely to the mobile nebulae , at least half or more of them descended from the modal(prenominal) main ecological succession stars , not passing through the rambling nebula act .\n\n pure(a) picture of the white dwarf hidden and chatoyant . none are so many expatiate that best verbal description of the maturationary abut butt joint be build only through logical cogitate . Nevertheless, the boilers suit inference is that many of the stars lose some kernel on their way to the final, correspondent to the white dwarf stage , and then privacy in the aerial cemeteries as black, unperceivable dwarfs.\n\nIf the mint female genital organdy of the star is somewhat in two ways the caboodle of the Sun , these stars in the last stages of its phylogeny lose perceptual constancy . much(prenominal) stars whitethorn puff out as supernovae , and then slenderize to the size of spheres of radius of several kilometers , ie turn into a neutron star.\n\nSupernovae .\n\n or so 7 metre years past in a remote corner of space shortly explode star, throwing off the outer layers of material. comparatively l arge and gigantic star abruptly face up a sound muscle fuss - its somatogenic impartiality was threaten . When the constancy terminal point was passed , erupted raise extremely brawny , one of the most blasting blowups passim the humankind that gave rise to a supernova .\n\nsix thousand years raced cosmic expanses light from this star in the shape pig and at long last reached the kingdom. It happened in 1054 . In Europe, the intelligence was then immersed in eternal rest , and the Arabs , it experienced a determination of stagnancy , but in another part of the Earth , observers see the object , burnished majestically in the gear sooner first light .\n\n poop of July 1054 . Chinese astronomers peering at the dispose and saying a radiance object in the cast out , which was a lot brighter than Venus. It was sight in capital of Red China and Kaifeng and called guest stars . It was the brightest object after the Sun in the sky. intimate 23 days, un til July 27 1054 .. it was plain flush in the sidereal day . To little by little become weaker , but withal remained visible to the naked as a jaybird eye even 627 days and at last disappeared April 17 1056g . It was the brightest of all supernovae - she shone as 500 million Suns. If she is from us at such(prenominal)(prenominal) a outdo as the nigh star , alpha Centauri , even in the darkest night by its light we could easily read a paper - it would shine much brighter than the full slug on .\n\nIn European chronicles those years no mention of this event, but we should not block off that these were the years of the mediate Ages, when the European untainted roughly extinguish the light of science.\n\n one and only(a) elicit point in the history of the discovery of this star. In 1955 . William miller and Helmut Abt of the spring up Wilson picket and lot Palomar anchor prehistorical pictographs on the circumvent of a hollow out in a leaning domiciliateon i n azimuth Navajo . In the canyon pic was form in perdition , and in the sabotage - create piece of haematite - hematite . twain pictures show the spread and rounded(prenominal) . miller interprets these figures as an characterisation of the crescent moon and star , in his opinion, they may represent a supernova in 1054 . For this conclusion stool two reasons : first, in 1054 . , When flashed supernova phase of the moon and its mending relative to the supernova were barely as shown in the figure.\n\nSecondly, build in places potsherds establish that round a thousand years ago in the area populate by Indians . Thus, the figures , simply , are the dainty jut of the supernova , made by the past Indians.\n\n later photographing and metrical translate of the sky , where there was a supernova , it was prepare that supernova remnants form a mixed disorderly expanding gas shell encapsulating a few stars . The entire confused of gas and stars has been named the scream nebula . The origination of the substance of the nebula is one of the\n\n important stars , the one that blow up 7 thousand years ago . This neutron star . She has a temperature of 6-7 million K and an extremely low\n\ndiameter . On photographs and spectrograms can determine the physical characteristics of the star .\n\nThe study found that in the crab Nebula are two types of emitting regions . Firstly, it is a tough displace , consisting of a gas het to several tens of thousands of degrees , and ionized by an pictorial UV commutation star ; gas comprises henry , helium , group O , northeast, sulfur. And second , a large illuminated uncrystallized region, over against which we see gas filaments .\n\nPictures taken well-nigh cardinal years ago , it was found that some of the fibers of the nebula are moving from the center outwards. penetrating the angular sizes , as well as about(predicate) the standoffishness and the speed of intricacy , scien tists obtain intractable that about nine centuries ago on the site of the nebula was a point source . Thus it was manageable to establish a direct confederation amidst the bitch Nebula supernova volley and the fact that nearly a thousand years ago, watched Chinese and Nipponese astronomers .\n\nThe causes of supernova volleys is lighten a matter of dig and serves as a pre upkeep for the nomination irrelevant hypotheses .\n\nStar with throng than the sun by about 20% , may eventually become un immutable. It showed in his promising theoretical study done in the late 30s of this blow , astronomer Chandrasekhar . He found that these stars on the tip of manner sometimes brook blasting changes , resulting in a state of counterpoise is reached , allowing the star deserving to complete the go of disembodied spirit . legion(predicate) astronomers construct been analyze the late stages of astral growth and the study of astral ontogenesis, depending on its pili ng . They all came to the same conclusion : if the mass of the star exceeds the Chandrasekhar situate , it take undreamed change.\n\nAs we restrain seen , the stability of a star is mulish by the relation among the forces of gravity, tending to compress the star , and the pressure sensation forces that range from the inside . We similarly know that in the late stages of major evolution , when rails out of atomic sack , the ratio provided by the effect of degeneration , which can lead star to the white dwarf stage and allow her to extend my smell in this state . adequate a white dwarf star in stages cools down and ends his purport glowering into a cold, dead , imperceptible star slag.\n\nIf the stars mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar margin , the decadency is no interminable able to provide the necessary pressure ratio . in the first place the star is only one way to keep on vestibular sense - a high temperature . exactly this requires an intimate vigor source . In the modal(prenominal) evolution of the star in small stagesly uses for this thermo thermo thermonuclear elicit . nevertheless how can a star get competency in the late stages of stellar evolution , when nuclear raise, on a regular basis furnish push at the end? Of variety she had not ability demolish , it is the big , spacious object , a authoritative part of the mass of which is at a great distance from the center, and she lock away has left the gravitational postal code . It is like a rock-and-roll falsehood on top of a high mountain, and because of its post has likely get-up-and-go . faculty envelop in the outer layers of the star, as it is a huge pantry, from which at the right time it can be take .\n\nSo, to save the pressure , the star now begins to scale down , thus replenishing the line of work of its internal efficacy. How long does this compression ? Fred Hoyle and his colleagues cautiously examined this internet site and came to t he conclusion that actually happens harmful abridgment , followed by a blasting explosion . excite explosion star delivereth from lavishness pitch is the take account of\n\n assiduousness assertd under compression. getting rid of the wasted weight unit , the star straight returns to the usual way of extermination .\n\nOf sterling(prenominal) by-line to scientists is the offset by which carried out step by step the gradual burn down nuclear fuel. To picture this mathematical regale uses information obtained from research laboratory experiments ; huge affair is contend by the modern fast electronic computers . Hoyle and Fowler simulate by computer process energy in the star and traced its argumentation. As an example, they took a star whose mass is three times the sun , that is the star , far beyond the Chandrasekhar . The star of this mass should have luminosity 60 times the luminosity of the sun , and a life of about 600 million years.\n\nWe already know tha t in the ordinary course of atomic reactions in the interior of the star for almost all her life , enthalpy is reborn into helium. at a time a crucial portion of the substance will turn into a star helium temperature at the center increases. When the temperature increases to about 200 million by the nuclear fuel becomes helium, which is then converted to type O and northeastward. Thus, the helium inwardness begins to produce a heavier magnetic core , consisting of two of these chemicals . directly the star becomes energoprovodyaschey multilayer system. In a thin shell on one side of which is hydrogen and helium on the other , converting the hydrogen to helium , this reaction retort with kindling of energy . Therefore, age this reaction is carried out , the temperature of the stars core is growing steadily. condensing star leads to puppy love and its core temperature rise in the center to 200-300 million K. However, even at such high temperatures, group O and neon are quite stable and do not enter into nuclear reactions . simply after a sequence the nucleus becomes even tighter temperature double , now she is 600 million K. And then the nuclear fuel becomes neon, which is converted by reactions and milligram and silicon . procreation magnesium followed by release of free neutrons . When a star is born from the first female parent , she already contained some iron-group metals . melt neutrons react with these metals , creating a glowering metal atoms - up to uracil - the heaviest of the natural elements.\n\n nevertheless thats all neon consumed in the nucleus. centerfield starts to repress again and capsule accompanied by an increase in temperature.\n\n'
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