Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications Essay

Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications - Essay Example Imus Brothers Coffee, distributed by Fred and his radio disc jockey brother Don Imus mail order Company, makes ground coffee and has targeted heavy users in the past. The company is now considering, however, switching to targeting college students, a target segment that is comprised largely of people who have just started to drink coffee and dont consume anywhere near as much as the heavy users. What are the disadvantages of the heavy-user strategy? What is the term used to describe the college students the company is considering targeting? What are the advantages of targeting this college student segment? Heavy users are more conscious about the quality of the coffee and are often choosy about what they want. They may be put off by some small mistake and have a negative image of the brand and may also lead to negative word of mouth among other heavy users. The company is targeting an emerging market which is untapped when it comes to coffee and this could mean that they could have a new segment to enter and achieve. This market development and would lead to increased market share and growth in sales. 3. You are the marketing manager for a mail-order company that ships spices from all over the world to customers across the globe. Given a choice between access to a mailing list and access to a marketing database, which would you choose? What are the advantages of your choice? Be as specific as possible. Marketing database would be a more efficient choice as it would be diverse and dense.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Factors affecting participation in certain sports Essay Example for Free

Factors affecting participation in certain sports Essay Peer group Your peers are the people you mix with who have similar interests and backgrounds and are roughly your age. Your peer group has a big influence on the way you behave and the things that you do. This is not always expressed words. If you wear the wrong clothes or do the wrong things you can very quickly feel left out. If you peers approve of an activity, you will feel encouraged to do it. Sadly, peer-group pressure can also force people to give up sports even though they enjoy them. Family Your family can have a similar effect on you as your friends can. We pick up many of our habits and values from home. If your family enjoys sport and gives you the opportunities to participate, then it is likely that you will. Most young people depend upon parents and family for kit and help with travel to sports events. The opposite is again true. If your Family has a negative attitude to physical activity it is likely you will to. Gender There is a mistaken believe held by some people that sports is a mans world. There certainly seem to be few barriers put up to prevent men from participating in physical activity. Far more men Participate in physical activity than women. Race People from minority ethic groups can be discriminated against when it comes to physical activity. Many people have the mistaken belief that they are physiologically different because they are a different colour, and this means they will be good at some activities and not others. For example some people believe that all black people are fast runners and they can not swim very well. This belief could be the reason why we see so many black runners and so very little black swimmers. Socio-Economic The activity you participate in may be determined to a large extent by what you can afford. Activities like sailing, golf and riding can be very expensive so many people from lower socio-economic groups are excluded from them. There are also many activities that cost very little. A kick around in the park with a group of friends, for example, and sport at school are mostly free. Unemployed people are in a difficult situation: plenty of time to fill but not much money. To encourage them, sports facilities often charge less, especially at quiet times of the day. Age Young people are encouraged to participate at school and have plenty of free time to take up sport. It also depends on the activity. To be a good gymnast you need to be young and flexible. Today, however, with computer technology not all youngsters want to spend their free time playing sports and not all sports are open to very young people. People tend to take part less in physical recreation as they get older as they often have more responsibilities and less free time to spend on sport. Stereotyping can mean that older people are discouraged from being physically active. Some older people stereotype themselves and believe that they are too old to take part in physically activity. However, there are many sports that you can enjoy into your old age. All you need is motivation to do it, the right facilities and no barriers to prevent you. Disability A disability may restrict your activities and other peoples prejudice can be a barrier to your participation. But disabled sport has received a much higher profile since the Paralympics games in Sydney, and the efforts of disabled athletes like Tanni Grey-Thompson have provided disabled people with excellent role models. Many sports have charged their rules to suit the needs of disabled people and have set up coaching and competitions for them. Facilities must now include ramps and lifts and special changing rooms so that disabled people can have full access. Access If there is a sports facility near where you live, and there is a good road system and public transport in place, then getting there is made easy. However, many people do not live within easy reach of sports facilities, and the public transport system is poor, so participation is made more difficult. Popularity, Promotion and Role models Participation in many sports varies. Because of media coverage during Wimbledon fortnight, tennis courts across the country are heavily used as seeing role models perform on TV encourages people to play the sport themselves. Not all sports attract media attention, however, and not all media coverage is positive. Some sports have increased in popularity by operating national schemes. Basketball, for example, is much more popular since the Basketball Outdoors Initiative of the 1990s. Thousands of free facilities began to appear in parks and school playgrounds across the country encouraging more people to play. Environment and climate Participation in some activities also depends upon the environment and climate. It is very hard to become a top skier if you live in a very hot country and, if you want to practise mountaineering and you live in Holland, you have got to travel. So it is not hard to understand why countries like Switzerland and Canada produce very good skiers. Britain is traditionally good at sailing because it is an island and surrounded by water, Tradition and Culture Tradition and Culture also affect participation. For examples some cultures disapprove of women taking part in physical recreation in public or in mixed company. This is one reason why many sports centres operate women only sessions. Most sports (like rugby) have had a tradition of being male only. Women have had to work hard to be allowed to participate. Education Your education has a big effect on your attitude to sport physical recreation. If your school is keen on sport you will be encouraged to participate and if you enjoy it, you are likely to continue after you leave. The opposite is also true, however, for those who dislike PE. It is know that there is a drop in participation at the age of 16 when youngsters leave school. This is know as the post school gap and is perhaps caused by the desire to leave all school based activities behind you when you leave. Thankfully, many young people then see the benefits of physical activity and return to it later on in life. Politics The extent to which people take part in a physical activity also depends on their politicians. All governments get involved in sport for one reason or another. For example, facilities cost so much to build that the government usually has to pay at least something towards them. A government may promote sport for all in an attempt to cut the cost of the health service or cut crime. It may promote excellence in sport so as to bring a sense of pride to the country and raise its standing in the outside world. Sponsorship Sponsorship also has an effect on participation, as it is this that brings money into sport. Even local level, small businesses often sponsor teams and help them financially, allowing people to play. How ever sponsors can decide to pull out of the deal very easily and leaves the team needing to find another one or stop playing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

OSI reference model

OSI reference model HISTORY: OSI reference model is advanced teaching of network. As there was a need of common model of protocol layers, this concept promoted the idea and defined about interoperability between network devices and software. Networking with protocol standards such as SNA and Decnet are completely vendor-developed and proprietary which are prior to OSI concept. Industries worked out to sort out such complications, and have introduced a new concept named OSI which is attempting to get everyone to agree to common network standards to provide multi-vendor interoperability. Many devices were unable to communicate with other protocols directly because of lack of common protocols. It was common for large networks to support multiple network suites. Database design and distributed database design were the interest of canepas group in the early and middle 70s. It was clear in the mid 70s that standard distributed communications architecture would be required to support database machines, distributed acce ss, and the like. For development of such standardized database systems some of the groups have studied the existing solutions, including IBMs system network architecture (SNA), so the work on protocols is done for ARPANET, and some concepts of presentation services. In spite of these defaults which lead to the development of a seven layer architecture known internally as the distributed systems architecture (DSA) in 1977. Meanwhile, in 1977 International Organization for Standardization has got a proposal that a standard architecture was needed to define the communications infrastructure for distributed processing by British Standards Institute. Thus, subcommittee on Open System Interconnection was formed by ISO [Technical Committee 97, Subcommittee 16]. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) was charged to develop proposals in advance of the first meeting of the subcommittee. INTRODUCTION:- Although the topic of OSI can seem boring and academic, actually it is a very useful way to learn more about networking. OSI offers a good starting point for understanding the differences between repeaters, switches, and routers, for example. The model also can help one better understand network protocols. The main idea in OSI is the process of communication between the end points of a two telecommunication network, this can be divided into layers, which can be added within its layers of its own set of special, related functions. The OSI model (and networking models developed by other organizations) attempts to define rules that cover both the generalities and specifics of networks. OSI model was not a network standard, but it was used as guidelines for development of network standards. It was become so important that almost all major networks standards in use today conform entirely to its seven layers. The relationship between OSI model and internet protocol stack, as it is known that the new technologies and developments are emerged based on networks. These networks comprise of protocols and the entire protocol stack. Internet protocol stack is based on OSI model. [1] OSI MODEL:- The modern day networking process is understood by layering. OSI model consists of seven layers. They are 1. Application Layer (7th Layer) 2. Presentation Layer (6th Layer) 3. Session Layer (5th Layer) 4. Transport Layer (4th Layer) 5. Network Layer (3rd Layer) 6. Data-link Layer (2nd Layer) 7. Physical Layer (1st Layer) [2] The OSI model defines internetworking in terms of a vertical stack of seven layers. Among, these layer, there are two parts division one is upper layer and the other is lower layer. Upper layer consist of layer 7, 6 and 5 and the lower layer consist of 4, 3, 2 and 1. Among these two layer upper layer deals with the application issues which are generally are implemented only in software. The software that implements network services like encryption and connection management. When we consider deals with the data transport issues and the implement more primitive, hardware functions like routing, addressing and flow control. [3] Upper layer: (Application layer, Presentation layer, Session layer) OSI designates the application, presentation, and session stages of the stack as the upper layers. Software in these layers performs application-specific functions like data formatting, encryption, and connection management. For example: -HTTP, SSL and NFS Lower layer: (Transport layer, Network layer, Physical layer.) Lower layers of the OSI model provide more primitive network-specific functions like routing, addressing, and flow control. For example:- TCP, IP, and Ethernet Application Layer: Describes how real work actually gets done. Ex: this layer would implement file system operations. And also it defines interface to user processes for communication and data transfer in network. It provides standardized services such as virtual terminal, file and job transfer and operations. â€Å" provides service directly to the user application. Because of the potentially wide variety of application, this layer provide a wealth of services. Among these services are establishing privacy mechanism, authenticating the intended communication partners, and determining if adequate resources are present.† [3] Presentation layer : Describes the syntax of data being transferred. Ex: this layer describes how floating point numbers can be exchanged between hosts with different math formats. Mask the difference of data formats between dissimilar systems. Specifies architecture independent data transfer format. It encodes data; like encrypts and decrypts data, compresses and decompresses data. â€Å" performs data transformation to provide a common interface for user application, including services such as reformatting data compression, and encryption.†[3] Session layer : In general, describes the organization of data sequences larger than the packets handled by lower layers. Ex: this layer describes how request and reply packets are paired in a remote procedure call. It mange user session and dialogues. And also controls establishment and termination of logic between users. Reports upper layer errors. â€Å" establishes, manages and end user connection and manages the interaction between end systems. Services includes such thing as establishing communication as full or half duplex and grouping data†[3] Transport Layer:- In general, describes the quality and nature of the data delivery. Ex: this layer defines if and how retransmissions will be used to ensure data delivery. Manage end-to-end message delivery in network. Provides reliable and sequential packet delivery through error recovery and flow control mechanisms. Provides connectionless oriented packet delivery â€Å" insulates the three upper layer, 5 through 7, from having deal with the complexities of layer 1 through 3by providing the function necessary to guarantee a reliable network link. Among other function, this layer provides error recovery and flow control between the two end points of the network connections.†[3] Network layer :- In general, describes how a series of exchanges over various data links can deliver data between any two nodes in a network. Ex: this layer defines the addressing and routing structure of the Internet. Network layer function determines how data are transferred between network devices. Routes packets according to unique network device addresses. It provides flow and congestion control to prevent network resource depletion. â€Å" Establishes, maintains and terminates network connection . Among other functions, standard define how data routing and relaying are handled†[3] Data link layer: In general, describes the logical organization of data bits transmitted on a particular medium. Ex: this layer defines the framing, addressing and check summing of Ethernet packets. Defines procedures for operating the communication links and frames packets. And also detects and corrects packets transmit errors. â€Å" ensures the reliability of the physical link established at layer 1 . standard defines how data frames are recognized and provide necessary flow control and error handling at the frame level.†[3] Physical layer : In general, describes the physical properties of the various communications media, as well as the electrical properties and interpretation of the exchanged signals. Ex: this layer defines the size of Ethernet coaxial cable, the type of BNC connector used, and the termination method. Physical later defines physical means of sending data network devices and defines optical, electrical and mechanical characteristics and interfaces between network medium and devices. â€Å" controls transmission of the raw bit stream over transmission medium. Standard for this layer define such parameter as the amount of signal voltage swings, the duration of voltage and so on.†[3] INFLUENCE: The protocol stack or Internet protocol stack also show influence of the OSI model most of the terminology is same, and most of the books present an Internet protocol stack that uses OSI terminology and that includes physical and data link layer. But in 1981 article by john postal, Carl Sunshine and Danny Cohen there is a diagram showing the Internet protocol functioning on top of one of the several Network protocol and it describe such network protocol as being the packet transmission protocol in each individual network. In a article 1983 by Vinton Cerf- often referred to as â€Å" one of the founding father of the internet† and Edward Cain that the layer that IP function is called â€Å"Internetwork layer† and the layer under that is â€Å"Network layer†. We can universally that the layer at which IP function is called the Network Layer and the important layer was called â€Å"Network layer is usually omitted.† [4] TCP/IP: TCP/IP was originally developed as a research experiment. It has become the backbone of thr information superhighway. It provides users with the back bone services used to carry popular services such as the World Wide Wed (www), E-Mail and other. In late 70s as a US Government Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) research development project, the â€Å"ARPANET†. This has grown to provide connection to system world wide, helping bring the information age into reality. TCP/IP is not really a protocol, but a set of protocols a protocol stack, as it is most commonly called. Its name, for example, already refers to two different protocols, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol). There are several other protocols related to TCP/IP like FTP, HTTP, SMTP and UDP just to name a few. The TCP/IP suite can be understood as a set of discrete component with a layered architecture. The transport layer and below of the TCP/IP suite can be viewed in the figure. The link covers the internetwork and transport protocols. The delivery of packets between the adjacent nodes in an internetwork id provided bye the link protocols. This link delivery only implies that delivered information is intact. Internetwork layer is responsible for addressing and routing of packets between source and destination nodes within the network. At the final the transport layer provides full service to transfer information between them.[5] Application layer: Application layer is the communication between programs and transport protocol. Several different protocols works on the Application layer. The familiar protocols HTTP, SMTP, FTP, SNMP, DNS and Telnet. Application layer commucate through Transport layer that to through a port. Ports are numbered and standard applications always use the same port. For example , SMTP protocol always use port 25, and HTTP protocol always use port 89 and FTP protocol always use ports 20 for data transmission and 21 for control.[6] Transport layer:- The layers gets data from the Application layer and divide into several data packets. It is the most uses TCP. After receiving data TCP protocol gets the packets which sent by the Internet layer and make the in an order, because arrives at the destiny in out of order. Transport layer also check if the content of the received packet are intact and reply by giving acknowledge signal to the transmitter , allowing it to know that the packet arrived in an order at the destiny. If there are no acknowledge signal is received it re send the lost packet.[6] Internet layer: IP address is the unique virtual identity on TCP/IP network of each computer. It as charge of adding a header to the data packets received from the Transport layer. Where other control data will, it will add source IP address and target IP address. the physical address assigned to the network card of each computer. This address is written on the network card RO and is call MAC address. Let us suppose A computer want send a data to B computer so the A want to know the B MAC address but in small local area network computer can easily discover each other MAC address, this is an easy task. If there is no any virtual addressing were used we must to know the MAC address of the destination computer, which is not only a hard task but also does not help out packet routing, because it does not use a tree like structure.[6] Network Interface Layer:- The next is the network interface layer, the datagram generated on the upper layer will be sent to the network interface layer if we are sending data, or the Network Interface layer will get data from the network and send it to the Internet layer, if we are receiving data. The Network Interface Layer breaks down the packets from the Internet Layer into frames and then eventually into bits for transmission across the physical network medium. Signalling and network medium standards such as Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, X .25, Frame Relay, RS-232, and v.35 are defined in this layer. Network Interface Controller (NIC) Cards, network hubs, repeaters, bridges, and switches operate at this level.[6] TCP/IP and OSI MODEL:- TCP/IP is defined in term of the protocols that constitute it. Most of the critical protocols functions are their lower layer of the OSI Reference MODEL that are layer 2, 3 and 4 which correspond to the network interface that is internet and transport layer in the TCP/IP model. Which includes all important IP at layer 3 and TCP at layer 4 which combine to give TCP/IP the name to it. TCP contains four subsections. The first description are the two TCP/IP protocols that reside at the network layer, layer 2 of the OSI model PPP and SLIP. And the second details a couple of special protocol that reside between layer 2 and 3 ARP and RARP. The third covers the TCP/IP internet layer (i.e) OSI network layer and layer 3 including IP and several other related and support protocol. At the final the fourth describes the TCP/IP transports layer protocols TCP and UDP.[7] The lower layer of the OSI model is the physical layer which responsible for the transmitting information from one place to another on a network. The layer just above the physical layer is the data link layer and in TCP/IP its call has Network interface layer. Its main job is to implement network at local level and interface between the hardware oriented physical layer, and the ore abstract, software oriented function of the network layer and the above it.[8] Effects of Internet:- As a consequence of the development of internet, the internet protocol best effort delivery. But it is considered to be unreliable when it is talked about its service. In other network architectural language it is called as connection-less protocol. Thus it has its contrast implications to so called connecting modes of transmission. This lack of reliability causes many effects. The major problems raised are: Data corruption Lost data packets Duplicate arrival Out-of-order packet delivery Coming to the effects based on IPv4 and IPv6, they are as follows. IETF declared that IPv4 will not be able to accommodate the need for ever increasing amount of IP addresses in the next few years. The increase and expansion of IP addresses are needed to accommodate following. They are used for proliferation of internet devices such as personal computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), wireless devices, and new Internet appliances; the expansion of internet through the world; the increasing applications of internet access; requirements of emerging internet applications. Thus decrease in usage of IPv4 effects all the above mentioned utilizes. The solution for this problem is found from development of IPv6 which enables a mass market and the increased adoption of the internet. IPv4 was in existence and effectively working from almost 20 years. But now all of its approximately four billion of address seems to be getting finished. Because with the tremendous growth of the internet devices and blocks of the ip addresses assigned to various organizations and countries. This fast growth in the number of devices e.g. Mobiles, computers, music players, etc. it looked as if IPv4 addresses would be exhausted in near future. In order to overcome this problem and increasing life for IPv4 certain measures have been taken e.g. network address translation (NAT), classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) and PPP/DHCP. But all of these solutions are temporary and they made networks more complex and difficult for one to understand and implement. Internet Stack Model The Internet Stack Model employs a Internet Protocol Stack or Suite both these words are used interchangeably. This can be defined as the set of communications protocols used for the Internet and other similar networks. As discussed earlier Protocol is a set of rules in a network. The names of the two protocols which employed the Internet Stack Model are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), which were also the first two networking protocols defined in this standard. A protocol stack (sometimes communications stack) is a particular software implementation of a computer networking protocol suit. In practical implementation, protocol stacks are often divided into three major sections: media, transport, and applications. A particular operating system or platform will often have two well-defined software interfaces: one between the media and transport layers, and one between the transport layers and applications. Upper layers are logically closer to the user and deal with more abstract data, relying on lower layer protocols to translate data into forms that can eventually be physically transmitted.[1] Difference between OSI and TCP/IP:- OSI model is the standard reference model that describes how the protocols should interact with one another. This was invented by the Department of Defense.TCP/IP does map clearly into OSI model, but is so convenient to think in terms of the OSI model when explaining protocols. The major differences are:- The application layer in TCP/IP handles the responsibilities of layers 5, 6 and 7 in the OSI model. The transport layer in TCP/IP does not always guarantee reliable delivery of packets at the transport layer, while the OSI model does. TCP/IP also offers an option called UDP that does not guarantee reliable packet delivery. [9] TCP/IP appears to be a more simpler model and this is mainly due to the fact that it has fewer layers TCP/IP is considered to be a more credible model- This is mainly due to the fact because TCP/IP protocols are the standards around which the internet was developed therefore it mainly gains creditability due to this reason. Where as in contrast networks are not usually built around the OSI model as it is merely used as a guidance tool The OSI model consists of 7 architectural layers whereas the TCP/IP only has 4 layers. Disadvantages of OSI model: Major disadvantages of OSI model are Bad timing Bad technology Bad implementations Bad Timing: Presently it appears that standard OSI protocols got crushed. It was completed too late, TCP/IP had already taken hold and become the familiar standard for research universities by the time the OSI Model was ready Bad Technology:- Both the models and protocols are flawed. As mentioned about the layers, cause major disadvantage of this model. Working on OSI model which is associated with several definitions and protocols is extraordinarily complex. The reappearance of functions in each layer also cause problem. Some of those functions are addressing, flow control, and error control. Certain important features are placed in every layer. Some times the decisions taken for placing these features are not obvious. In the past the presentation layer had virtual terminal handling which is presently used in application layer. Data security, encryption and network management were also omitted. The criticism given by world is that communication mentality is increasing rapidly. Bad Implementations: Initial implementations made by people were huge ,unwieldy and slow Because of the complexity of the model, the initial implementations were huge, unwieldy, and slow. As time is passing the product got betterments, but bad image stuck. [10] everyone who tried to implement it got burned, giving OSI a reputation for poor quality Disadvantages of TCP/IP model: When TCP/IP is compared with IPX there are few drawbacks. IPX is faster compared to TCP/IP. TCP/IP is intricate to set up and manage. The overhead of TCP/IP is higher than that of IPX. The process involved in TCP/IP is long. The entire process is, port numbers are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), and they identify the process to which a particular packet is connected to. Port numbers are found in the packet header. [11]. Few more disadvantages of this model are: software used for strict layering is very inefficient. When buffers are provided they leave space for headers which are added by lower layer protocols. [12] Security:- Internet has become a phenomenon. Sharing Files, transferring Files all across the network has caused the users to think about some serious problems that are being raised due to the phenomenon of Internet. Security is another issue that sits at the top of the level as designers and developers both struggle to give out the correct form of measures to be taken to deal with the issue of Network Security. Since the Protocol Stack has got just one layer to really check the authenticity of the packets that pass through the layers and the network. It has allowed the network to become more susceptible to foreign threats. Since, Computers that are connected to each other create a network. These networks are often configured with public Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that is, the devices on the network are visible to devices outside the network. Networks can also be configured as private meaning that devices outside the network cannot see or communicate directly to them. Computers on a public network have the advantage (and disadvantage) that they are completely visible to the Internet. As such, they have no boundaries between themselves and the rest of the Internet community. This advantage oftentimes becomes a distinct disadvantage since this visibility can lead to a computer vulnerability exploit -e.g.: Hacking if the devices on the public network are not properly secured.To plainly counter this strategy the, we employ a private LAN and make the network a private network then the disadvantage of a private network would be that it entails more configuration and administration to maintain usability. At times, not being fully visible on the Internet can cause some difficulty in connecting to certain services, such as streaming audio/video, chat/instant messaging programs, or some secure Web sites. Maintaining most computers on a private network, with only an IDP/IDS and/or Firewall visible to the public Internet helps maintain a highly secure environment for the computers on the private network, while at the same time keeping them connected to the public Internet.[13] Benefits of OSI model:- The OSI Model is a standard and a very useful tool to deal with the problems of networking. The OSI model is also a standard model for networking protocols and distributed application. In the OSI model there are a total of 7 network layers. The layers of OSI provide the levels of abstraction. Each layer performs a different set of functions and the intent was to make each layer as independent as possible from all the others. This guarantees the security to each packet that passes through these layers also, it reduces the complexity of packet routing through each layer thus reducing the threat of congestion in the network. Each layer uses the information from the below layer and provides a service to the layer above in the OSI Model. [14] Conclusion: Even though OSI model has a few limitations it cannot be said that the model is not suitable anymore because talking about the time and the influence of the OSI model on the networking as whole has had a lot of positive causes. Even if we have many new models coming up with different improvements the base model is always the OSI model. What we can take out of the OSI model are mainly the benefits of the OSI model and which even are the major characteristics needed for creating a good model. The OSI Model is perhaps the most imp lest and widely used through the world. Owing to the advantages of this network we are able to reduce the complexity and save time when passing data on a network. Reference:- 1) John Larmouth (1996): Understanding OSI: International Thomson Computer Press, Michigan. USA} 2) Computer networks 3rd edition by ANDREW S. TANENBAUM 3) Standard network layer architecture, By Bradley Mitchell 4) 5) By Douglas Comers 6) Author: Gabriel Torres,2,3,4,5,6 7) Charles M. Kozierok . 8) Charles M. Kozierok 10) Computer Networks Fourth Edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum 11) 13) Behrouz A. Forouzan, Sophia Chung Fegan (2004). Data Communications and Networking, McGraw-Hill Professional, USA. 14)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Merchant of Venice Essays: The Villainous Shylock :: Merchant Venice Essays

Many people are villainous in the way they act, and their villainous acts may be rooted in the desire to destroy others, or in the hopes of elevating themselves. Many people may only act "villainous" in reaction to the way they have been treated in the past. Shylock the Jew is the villain or antagonist in the play The Merchant of Venice. Shylock mistreats Antonio the Christian, his daughter, Jessica and Launcelot.    The first person Shylock mistreats, is Launcelot. He mistreats this servant by complaining behind Launcelot's back of his laziness. Shylock says,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More than the wildcat. Drones hive not with me..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ..His borrowed purse." 1 Shylock also acts villainous towards Launcelot by acting belligerent towards him."Who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call." 2 Shylock mistreats this man because of his poverty, and because Launcelot is socially beneath him. You also start to wonder about how fair Shylock is, when Launcelot is deciding whether or not to leave him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shylock also mistreats his own daughter, Jessica. He mistreats her by keeping her as a captive in her own house, not letting her out, and not letting her hear the Christian music around her. He orders her to:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Lock up my doors; and when you hear the drum...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ..But stop my house's ears-I mean casements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Let not the sound of shallow fopp'ry enter   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My sober house." 3 Jessica considers her home to be hell, and she calls Launcelot, a "merry little devil". She even states that her father is Satan. Shylock also mistreats his own daughter, by not loving her enough, even to the point where he complains about all of the money he's spending in a search to find her. "Why, there, there, there, there! A diamond gone cost me two thousand ducats in Frankford! The curse..   ..ill luck stirring but what lights o' my shoulders; no sighs but o' my breathing; no tears but o' my shedding."4 Salerio makes the audience wonder about Shylock, when he raves about when Shylock was calling out, "Oh my ducats, my daughter, my ducats, my daughter.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gender Communication Essay

Women are continually hammering against a glass ceiling and also their advancement is usually hindered by a promotion bottleneck in the middle management and a sticky floor. According to a recent research on an analysis of careers from a number of employees, it was found out that the rates of promotion for men from the start of their careers to senior management was higher as compared to women who started at the same level. Majority of men were promoted as compared to women who had equivalent experience and education. This has adversely affected gender communication by way of intimidation whereby the women are left feeling inferior (Ivy, 28). I picked this topic so that I can comprehend deeply on the effects of glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication, and how it is related to gender communication. Knowledge about this topic would adequately prepare me for the world since I would be knowledgeable on how to handle various aspects of my life which include my workplace and my relationships. I came to discover that the glass ceiling and sticky floors issues had only been studied at a high level especially at the top of the management. Women are only promoted to very top positions only if they have successfully made it through at the middle management level (Wood, 157). From my conclusive research I discovered that there is usually a floor that is men dominated by the men in regards to promotions. Unfortunately for women, it is extremely difficult to penetrate through this floor due to the fact that there is a lot biases towards women promotions. Men are easily promoted whereas for women, they have to demonstrate capabilities beyond reasonable doubt that they deserve a promotion. I learnt that there is also the challenge of a mid- level bottleneck towards women which ideally favored men. This concept ensured that few women were promoted from the mid-level management to senior management. This meant that a lot of women were stuck at the mid-level management and they did not progress further from this level. However, this was not same case with men who had similar credentials to the women regardless of both sexes having similar qualifications academically and  experience (Krolokke and Ann, 58). I was deeply surprised by the aforementioned findings and I had to ask myself various questions about the topic. I still have not understood where there should be that prejudice towards women yet there is an affirmative action regarding women. I am yet to establish effective solutions to the link between challenges of gender communication in relation to the glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication. A number of areas need to be researched thoroughly so that the relation of the two aspects are understood and practice to the letter. Challenges that face the two aspects should be dealt with through consensus so that there can be a win- win solution where both parties, that is the male and female live and work in harmony (Wood, 159). In conclusion, I wish to strongly suggest that the gender equality aspect should be practiced and women should effectively be given equal opportunities like their male counterparts. Gender communication needs to be a two way traffic and both the male and female should have equal opportunities to express themselves. The barriers that create the glass ceiling and sticky floors approach to communication should be eradicated. Everyone should be given equal opportunities for harmony between both sexes to prevail. Works Citied Ivy, Diana K. Genderspeak: Personal Effectiveness in Gender Communication. Boston: Pearson Education, 2012. Print. Krolà ¸kke, Charlotte, and Ann S. Sà ¸rensen. Gender Communication Theories & Analyses: From Silence to Performance. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: SAGE, 2006. Print. Wood, Julia T. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. Belmont, CA: Thompson/Wadsworth, 2008. Print. Wood, Julia T. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage, 2013. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Acid Rain2 essays

Acid Rain2 essays Acid Rain Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact has on the wildlife and how our atmosphere is being destroyed by acid rain. STATISTICS Although there is very little data, the evidence indicates that in the last twenty to thirty years the acidity of rain has increased in many parts of the United States. Presently, the United States annually discharges more than 26 million tons of suffer dioxide into the atmosphere. Just three states, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are responsible for nearly a quarter of this total. Overall, two-thirds of the suffer dioxide into the atmosphere over the United States comes from coal-fired and oil fired plants. Industrial boilers, smelters, and refineries contribute 26%; commercial institutions and resid ences 5%; and transportation 3%. The outlook for future emissions of suffer dioxide is not a bright one. Between now and the year 2000, United States utilities are expected to double the amount of coal they burn. The United States currently pumps some 23 million tons of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere in the course of the year. Transportation sources account for 40%; power plants, 30%; industrial sources, 25%; and commercial institutions and residues, 5%. What makes these figures particularly distributing is that nitrogen oxide emissions have tripled in the last thirty years. CAUSES Acid rain is a cancer eating into the face of Eastern Canada and the North Eastern United States. One of the main causes of acid rain is sulphur dioxide. Natural sources which emit this gas are volcanoes, sea spray , rotting vegetation and plankton. However, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, are largely to be blamed for approximately half of the emissions of...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Aisle and Isle

Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle By Maeve Maddox When I came across this use of the word isle on a parenting site, I couldnt help wondering how common the error might be: many people share beliefs from one end of the isle, and some from the other. The context was an item about teaching children about differing political views without prejudicing them against right or left. The writers use of the word isle refers to the seating arrangements in the U.S. in which national representatives and senators sit according to party affiliation. In the U. S. House of Representatives, members of the Democratic Party sit to the Speakers right and members of the Republican Party sit to the Speakers left. A wide central aisle divides the well of the House. In the U. S. Senate, Democratic senators sit to the presiding officers right, and Republican senators sit to the presiding officers left. Metaphorically speaking, ones political opinions can be said to belong to one side of the aisle or the other. A Google search for one side of the isle brought up nearly seven million hits. Many of them were used in reference to small islands, like the Isle of Man, but a dismaying number of links led to texts in which isle occurred in a context that called for aisle. Many were being used in a political context: In the political space there are tons of examples that highlight this issue and they are often controversial. As I said they don’t reside on one side of the isle. Shy of a few misguided Republicans I think the blame for this debacle will lie 99% with one side of the isle. Where does each side of the isle stand on foreign aid? Other examples occurred in literal contexts in which the meaning was passageway between seats or shelves and not small island or island-like structure: If you are in a supermarket stand in the middle of the isle and stare at the products on one side of the isle (leadership training exercise) This [Amtrak] car offers what we call 2 1 seating, where there are two seat [sic] on one side of the isle and one seat on the other side. Perhaps, the most memorable scene of perplexing symbolism follows Alice, with a shovel against her shoulder, and Luc through the toy isle of a supermarket. On one side of the isle, Alice is staring at Barbie dolls (movie review) A little boy was part of his aunts wedding party. As he was coming down the isle during the ceremony (lead-in to a joke in which isle is used for aisle four times in six sentences) Isle derives from Latin insula, island. When it came into English in the late 13th century, the word was spelled ile. Aisle derives from a word meaning wing. (Old French ele, Modern French aile.) The s was restored to the English word ile in the late 1500s. By then, ile and ele/aile had become confused, perhaps from a notion of a detached part of a church (Online Etymology Dictionary), so an s found its way into aisle to match isle. Both aisle and isle are pronounced [Ä «l]. Seating charts for U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OU15 Idioms for Periods of Time

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Do Tax Cuts Stimulate the Economy essays

Do Tax Cuts Stimulate the Economy essays Cutting taxes by federal, state, and local governments will always stimulate the economy in any economic environment. It seems that the debate on the pros and cons of cutting taxes is more prominent during a recession or downturn in the economy, as is the case now, but tax cuts should always be a top priority for everyone from politicians to voters. The most recent presidential proposal is the Bush Stimulus Package, based on his vision for economic recovery, low taxes, low spending on social services, high military spending. Under his view, reducing tax rates for businesses and rich individuals stimulates investment (Keen 2003, p. A5). Taxes are only one of many factors that affect the economy. National security, the possibility of war, and the insecurity of investors are a few other factors, but since the tragedy of 9-11, the economy has been in a downturn and continues to tumble. It needs something to turn it around and tax cuts are one of the solutions needed, but combining tax cuts with other solutions will help stimulate the economy much faster. The theory of tax cuts stimulating the economy is referred to by most people as supply-side economics as well as several other names such as trickle-down economics or Reaganomics. During the Ronald Reagan presidency, it became known as Reaganomics, but many people today use the terms interchangeably. The central concept of supply-side economics is that cuts in the tax rates spur economic growth by providing entrepreneurs an incentive to invest the extra tax dollars saved by tax cuts, causing many of them to earn more money and pay more taxes on their earnings, even at a lower tax rate, which creates new jobs. These new jobs result in a larger employment base and, therefore more taxpayers. There are more taxpayers because of the newly created jobs, therefore a larger tax base, which means higher tax revenues for the government (Limbaugh 1993, p.117). Debates over t...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Computer Communications and Netwoks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer Communications and Netwoks - Essay Example The motivation behind the creation of communication systems is due to the need for the improvement of transmission reliability. This is due to the reduction of errors in the process of sending and the reception of messages. Communications systems also increase the transmission capacity with the ability of sending large sizes of data in a single mode for a short time. In order to enable the exchange of information, there must be the transmission of the information from different devices, through a communication channel. There exists different communication media such as optical fiber and microwaves that possess unique characteristics for optimum performance. The integration of all the components of information technology forms a communication system (Beavin, p. 12). There are various requirements for computer communication. Such components include computer hardware. These are the tangible physical components of the computer. For instance, a Modem is one of the hardware devices that have the ability to send signals from one computer to another over telephone signals. This comprises of the computer inputs for communication purposes. The other component is computer software. This controls the computer operations, according to the instructions of the users. The software allows computers to interact with other computers through the management of resources. Some of the utility software contains language translators for easy communication between computers. Another component is the availability of a database. This is the storage of related data in an organized manner. This enables users to retrieve information when they require, for communication purposes. Through the Database Management System (DBMS), users have the ability to create, maintain, and a ccess a database. The other component is the availability of a network. Computers have the ability to converge telephone networks, in addition to other networks of communication that use both data and voice for

Friday, October 18, 2019

The relationship between play and creativity Essay - 1

The relationship between play and creativity - Essay Example This close association between play and creativity has prompted practitioners and educators to design creative curriculum fostering creative environments in early school education. This paper seeks to review the literature on the relationship between play and creativity and the insights gained from the review will be beneficial for further interdisciplinary researches in this regard. A large number of researchers have tried to unearth how pretend play and elaborated role play are associated with creativity. Russ & Wallace (2013) regard pretend play among children as a creative act that is capable of stimulating and fostering creativity in adulthood. Pretend play triggers cognitive, affective, and interpersonal processes that are essential for the development of one’s creativity (Russ & Wallace, 2013, p. 136). The potential of pretend play to develop mature emotional control has also been documented in the literature. Hoffmann & Russ (2012, p. 182), in this respect, point out that children with higher levels of imagination, affect and organization during pretend play are better able to self-regulate and manage their emotions. Creativity researchers identify that both creativity and pretend play are characterized by cognitive abilities, the ability to create a variety of ideas, divergent thinking, broad associative skills, insight, cognitive flexibility, and perspective taking (Russ & Wallace, 2013, p. 137). The authors perceive pretend play as the creative outcome of children and emphasize on the need to undertake more in-depth researches on pretend play as a measure or predictor of creativity. The article throws light on a number of theories that explain how pretend play promotes creativity among children. Evolutionary theorists argue that pretend play prepare children for necessary adult activities; they claim that pretend play offers unique opportunity for children to practice with the skills of problem

What does Machiavelli mean by a corrupt people What does he mean by Research Paper

What does Machiavelli mean by a corrupt people What does he mean by corrupt leaders What circumstances promote corruption Can a corrupt people be reformed - Research Paper Example The political climate in Florence was against this, as a result a civil war ensured, and led to the mass murder of people in Pistoia. In Niccollo Machiavelli’s perspective, it is better for a leader to practice cruelty, for purposes of stabilizing and protecting its people. Had Italy sent troops to Pistoia, few people would have died, as opposed to the thousands who died during the conflict. On this notion, Machiavelli states that the leaders are corrupt. This is because they are unable to protect the institutions of the state, and maintain order2. A corrupt people are those who are not loyal to the state, and this is depicted through their treachery, selfishness, ungratefulness, brutality and covetousness. In Machiavelli’s view, these people are most likely to lead to the fall of the state if their actions are not checked, and behavior’s controlled. In Niccolo Machiavelli’s view, corruption among the people emanates when the leader, is lenient to them. Machiavelli denotes that because of the brutal and selfish nature of the people, it is dangerous for a leader to become a philosopher king3. This is a leader who rules through virtue, and in consideration to the rights of his people. A leader, who practices virtue while leading the state, is a corrupt leader, because he will fail in protecting his people, and his authority. To rectify this situation, Niccollo Machiavelli argues that it is wise for a leader to practice treachery, cruelty, and authoritarian leadership. Machiavelli states that it is wise for a leader to become a lion, as the time he is a fox. Machiavelli used this example because a lion cannot avoid a trap, while a fox is powerless when attacked by a wolf4. To acquire skills of escaping the laid out traps, it is important for a leader to be a fox, and to portray strength, it is important for a leader to be a lion. On this note, to

Lifelet assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lifelet assignment - Essay Example I am currently working in the physics lab at Stanford University as part of my graduate school studies. I am so very pleased that I was able to land this position as it took ten days (at ten letters per day) worth of e-mailing just to get the professor’s attention regarding my desire to participate in Stanford lab activities. The university staff was very helpful in writing the necessary recommendation letters so that I could succeed in America and I will be forever grateful for their assistance. I came to the United States on May 22, 2005, arriving in San Francisco. At first, I have to admit that I was quite overwhelmed by the architecture and the vast variety of food available on market shelves. People always seemed to be rushing around which was quite different than the culture in Korea who are more laid back in terms of managing personal and business-related priorities. I have to admit that I, at first, expected that America would have similar cultural values and beliefs, however this personal misconception gave me somewhat of a rude awakening. For instance, Koreans are generally more open about expressing their personal feelings because of the collectivist culture which exists overseas. Most everyone in Korea shares similar beliefs and values, making it easy for most everyone to relate to one another. Americans are very individualistic and are more reserved when it comes to self-expression and generally work on their own, unique life agendas. When I first began working in the Stanford lab environment, I was taken aback by Americans’ reservations about discussing personal issues and did not find the highly collaborative environment I was expecting. In Korea, people who work together generally become very close and share their life stories, such as birthdays, family issues, and their areas of personal interest. During the first portion of my lab work at the university, I really did

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Project Evaluation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Evaluation - Assignment Example The document also summarises the theories and concepts learnt in the unit, how these theories influenced my work, example/case study of a successful IT project and its comparison with the developed database. Lastly, the document includes the impact of these lessons on my future work, and what I would do differently along with its rationale. Database of Local Recruitment Agency A local recruitment agency requested to have a database in order to store their business information and access the information in the form of reports. The agency deals with the information of customers (job applicants), jobs (currently available and archived) and tracks contact between customers. In order to fulfil the requirement of the agency, I have developed a database in Microsoft Access 2007. As mentioned in the (previous) assignment, the agency has the following requirements: i. A database to be developed in Microsoft Access that is able to store, retrieve and update the information regarding customers, jobs and track contacts between customers. ii. The agency should be able to add new customers, jobs and their information or details in the database through a form (separate for each) of MS database Access. iii. The agency wants several reports to be produced from the database; however, they specified only three reports that include the customer list; jobs list grouped by job type and the report showing contacts and track follow up. iv. The database tables should be populated with data of at-least 20 customers, 10 jobs and 20 contacts. To fulfil the requirements of the agency, I have developed a database in MS Access 2007 that has four tables, which include tblCustomer, tbljobs, tblContact, and tblJobType. The agency can store all the relevant information in these tables (requirement â€Å"i" fulfilled). I have developed three forms to add/update new customers and jobs along with their details (requirement â€Å"ii" fulfilled). I have developed three specified reports that show t he customer list, jobs list and contact group by the customer (requirement â€Å"iii" fulfilled). I have populated the database with required data in the respective table (requirement â€Å"iv" fulfilled). Features of a Smart Database The developed database should also be evaluated in terms of the characteristics of a high quality database as given below: Accuracy The database is considered accurate if the values stored in the fields of the database are correct. After developing, the database for the agency presumes that the information that is input into a database is faultless as well as accurate. Completeness The end user (agency) of the database has to be aware of the information to be provided to the developer(s) for the development of the database, as if they provide less or inaccurate information, the developed database would definitely be useless and inaccurate. In our case, the information of the customer has to be complete in every aspect, for example the customer profil e, education and experience etc. is missing in the developed database, which has not been asked by the agency. Consistency The consistency is as important as the accuracy and completeness of a database. As in our case, the database is considered to be consistent as we have stored the information/data of one item in a single field only. Uniqueness The data in one field must represent

See draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See draft - Essay Example The author’s information in this selection is significant, she mentions accurate studies and data, and her argument and way of writing is very clear. On the basis of the book by Friedan this paper will prove that suburban housewives’ emotions with matters in the society and marriage, education and profession, and home duties cause unhappy womanhood. The word â€Å"femininity† is defined in many different meanings and according to the dictionary is â€Å"the quality of being female; womanliness†. The femininity that is discussed in the chapter is that what the majority of women dream about, which is marriage. In other words, how femininity and an old-fashion suburban housewife make us understand the word â€Å"woman†. In the 60’s, marriage takes major part of womanliness. Women are influenced to have early marriage. This idea leads women to ignore every position they could achieve. Friedan proves that early marriage is the main reason behind population increase while young women make career out of marriage duties. â€Å"The women’s magazines, deploring the unhappy statistics about these young marriages, urged that courses on marriage, and marriage counselors, be installed in the high schools† (Friedan 16). According to Friedan women career is limited in the twentieth century. Many women look forward an occupation inside the home. Bearing children and being supportive for their husband, women wanted to have profession. The concern to spend most time at home may harm the society. The author includes the fact of few women having professions. (Friedan 4). If women had the opportunity to work, they perhaps would be able to change the situation. Friedan adds the importance of education. Women’s role as housewives is what makes them unhappy with their education (Friedan 10). Women should gain education since it essential to solve problems people had. Education is important and it must be got to develop one’s profession. It is difficult for women not

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lifelet assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lifelet assignment - Essay Example I am currently working in the physics lab at Stanford University as part of my graduate school studies. I am so very pleased that I was able to land this position as it took ten days (at ten letters per day) worth of e-mailing just to get the professor’s attention regarding my desire to participate in Stanford lab activities. The university staff was very helpful in writing the necessary recommendation letters so that I could succeed in America and I will be forever grateful for their assistance. I came to the United States on May 22, 2005, arriving in San Francisco. At first, I have to admit that I was quite overwhelmed by the architecture and the vast variety of food available on market shelves. People always seemed to be rushing around which was quite different than the culture in Korea who are more laid back in terms of managing personal and business-related priorities. I have to admit that I, at first, expected that America would have similar cultural values and beliefs, however this personal misconception gave me somewhat of a rude awakening. For instance, Koreans are generally more open about expressing their personal feelings because of the collectivist culture which exists overseas. Most everyone in Korea shares similar beliefs and values, making it easy for most everyone to relate to one another. Americans are very individualistic and are more reserved when it comes to self-expression and generally work on their own, unique life agendas. When I first began working in the Stanford lab environment, I was taken aback by Americans’ reservations about discussing personal issues and did not find the highly collaborative environment I was expecting. In Korea, people who work together generally become very close and share their life stories, such as birthdays, family issues, and their areas of personal interest. During the first portion of my lab work at the university, I really did

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

See draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See draft - Essay Example The author’s information in this selection is significant, she mentions accurate studies and data, and her argument and way of writing is very clear. On the basis of the book by Friedan this paper will prove that suburban housewives’ emotions with matters in the society and marriage, education and profession, and home duties cause unhappy womanhood. The word â€Å"femininity† is defined in many different meanings and according to the dictionary is â€Å"the quality of being female; womanliness†. The femininity that is discussed in the chapter is that what the majority of women dream about, which is marriage. In other words, how femininity and an old-fashion suburban housewife make us understand the word â€Å"woman†. In the 60’s, marriage takes major part of womanliness. Women are influenced to have early marriage. This idea leads women to ignore every position they could achieve. Friedan proves that early marriage is the main reason behind population increase while young women make career out of marriage duties. â€Å"The women’s magazines, deploring the unhappy statistics about these young marriages, urged that courses on marriage, and marriage counselors, be installed in the high schools† (Friedan 16). According to Friedan women career is limited in the twentieth century. Many women look forward an occupation inside the home. Bearing children and being supportive for their husband, women wanted to have profession. The concern to spend most time at home may harm the society. The author includes the fact of few women having professions. (Friedan 4). If women had the opportunity to work, they perhaps would be able to change the situation. Friedan adds the importance of education. Women’s role as housewives is what makes them unhappy with their education (Friedan 10). Women should gain education since it essential to solve problems people had. Education is important and it must be got to develop one’s profession. It is difficult for women not

Isolationist Policy In The United States (1920’S And 1930’S) Essay Example for Free

Isolationist Policy In The United States (1920’S And 1930’S) Essay Isolationism pertains to the foreign policy that involves two major actions, non-intervention with regards to military actions and protection of economic activities. In the area of non-interventionism, the political leaders are observed to circumvent any coalitions with other countries as well as any participation in warfare and other forms of self-defense activities related to territories. In the area of protectionism, legal barriers are erected in order to regulate any exchanges related to trade and sharing of cultural information with individuals representing other states. The concept of isolationism is often mistaken as a non-interventionist way of thinking or philosophy and international policy associated with liberty, which entails unrestricted trading and traveling between individuals from any part of the world. It is thus best to employ the term libertarian isolationist as the policy of non-intervention or not participating with any activities or not getting associated with any political relations with a foreign country yet still retaining the capability of participating in free trade. The doctrine of non-participation of the United States through the refusal of entering into any form of alliance, agreement or commitment with a foreign country has been observed during different decades. Such isolationist policy is also coupled to the attempts of the United States to instill a sense of self-reliance based on a stable economy by dedicating efforts of the advancement of the country, in both routes of diplomacy and economics, while maintaining a condition of peace by keeping away from any associations with other countries and responsibilities. It is understood that developed countries generally engage in trade relations with other countries in order to expand its labor force as well as raise their standard of living based on the rise of the country’s economy. However, the United States is known to follow a protectionist policy which entails isolation from any form of engagement with trade relations with other countries. The leaders of the United States believe that such policy is beneficial to the United States, while economists express the opposite, that such policy is detrimental. Other critics have expressed that since the United States is recognized as the biggest consumer of the world and carries it own rich natural resources, it can identity specific conditions that should be applied to products and services that are brought into the country. This condition is the opposite of the free trade policy, which allows any country to perform any particular action that is recognized to be their expertise, and in turn benefit from the trading of their products. The adoption of the isolationist policy is the result of the conditions of a particular country, such as war, crises and uprisings that may originate from other countries. The isolationist policy adopted by the United States was mainly due to the effects of World War I, the Great Depression and the significant influx of immigrants. The decades of the 1920’s and the 1930’s were characterized by the isolationist conditions in the United States, wherein there was social seclusion from any form of engagement with countries around the world. The coined attitude, known as the Red Scare, was based on the Sacco and Vanzetti trial. In this setting, Americans gave more focus into instilling tranquility in their homes, more than providing efforts in achieving and instilling peace in other countries. It has been described that the United States adopted the isolationist policy because the country was already exhausted by global issues at that time. With this in mind, the political leaders of the United States were very anxious in staying away from issues and associated effects of war. This can be observed in the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, which stated that war was outlawed as a tool for international policy. In a public address given by Warren G. Harding in the 1920’s, it was expressed that a supergovernment is the least of the United States’ dream and in turn, attention should be given to national issues instead. It was also stated that adopting the isolationist policy is not selfish, but is actually a form of sanctity. The result of the Treaty of Versailles is another example of the adoption of the isolationist policy by the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s. In this case, the U. S. Senate did not agree to ratify the Treaty which states that the United States would engage in the League of Nations. The United States’ refusal to approve this Treaty showed the contempt of the U. S. over concepts of idealism at the international level, because the United States feels that engaging in this Treaty would eventually lead the country to war. The United States then was actively expressing the war is a contagious disease which can spread around the world at a very fast pace. With this stand, the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936 and 1937 were created, which prevents the re-emergence of ties between the United States and any war actions or policies (Doenecke, 1982). The many faces of isolationism are clearly shown during the 1920’s and the 1930’s. During these decades, the political and social views and American policy were turned towards isolationism, such as the increasing fear of communism, exhaustion from the idea of war, and the anti-radical hysteria. In the next decades such as the 1950’s, these same socialist isolationist views were also evident, but this time the political policy was turned towards and internationalist point of view. Isolationism, however radical in concept, resulted from the circumstances in which it was derived from. Reference Doenecke JD (1982): American Isolationism, 1939-1941. Journal of Libertarian Studies, Summer/Fall 6(3):201-216.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Is Suez Canal History Essay

What Is Suez Canal History Essay Suez Canal was started in 1859 and completed in 1869 which was financed by the French and Egyptian governments as joint venture. Canal was maintained and controlled by the Universal Company of the Suez Maritime Canal which is an Egyptian chartered group. This land is the only bridge between Asia and Africa, and it remained the Egyptian land. Canal after its completion took the advantage of its surrounding areas and location; it became an important strategic area because this is the shortest path between the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. This canal provided an easy access for trading between nations and helped Europe in particular to attain powers and govern their colonies. Due to debt and financial crisis in 1875, Egypt head sold shares of the canal operating company to the British government. British government showed an interest in buying the canal and obtained 44% shares of the canals operations for around  £4 Million. By this investment, the major shareholders were French investors. After attack at Egypt in 1882, Britain controlled the country as well as the canal operations and finances. Canal was declared as neutral zone under the British rule declared in Convention of Constantinople in 1888. Ottoman Empire allowed international shipping to move free using this canal during war and peace. Even after the enforcement of convention in 1904, the strategic importance of Suez Canal and its operations were well-known during Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905. After Japanese surprise attack at Port Arthur on Russian fleet, in response to that Russian sent their reinforcements from the Baltic Sea fleet. United Kingdom refused to give path from the Suez Canal, therefore Russian fleets covered the whole continent of Africa which allowed Japanese forces to settle down in the Far East region. Suez Canal is equally strategically important after the Second World War as a medium for shipment of petroleum. Suez Canal strategic importance emerged once again during the First World War when United Kingdom and France denied allowing non-allied forces to use canal for their shipments. Canal became more strategically important during Second World War because it is being used for delivery of oil. Royal Institute of International affairs revealed tactical importance of Suez Canal for Britain in a report named as Britain and Suez Canal which includes meeting up the military requirements in the Far East and other impacts in Iraq, Iran and Pakistan. This reports also mentioned in detail how this canal was used previously in different wars including First World War and Second World War and how Britain used this canal for meeting its military requirements during these wars. It also focused on the future requirements during wars in Europe to transport military operations including troops from Australia and New Zealand. Report also revealed the material and oil quantity which will be transported to G reat Britain through this Canal and economic impacts of the Canal. After the Second World War, United Kingdom was take measures to asses the economic limitations and colonial history. United Kingdom realized it must have its strong hold in this area due to strategic importance because of transportation of oil and military logistics, huge reserves of petroleum products and economic potential of Middle East. United Kingdom made its strategic view to control Middle East if they control Kingdoms of Iraq and Egypt. For achieving its vision, Britain spread its military operations and strength throughout the region and constructed its defense complex for military support at Suez which can accommodate approx. 80,000 military men which is largest military complex in the world. This base was known to be a part of Britain strategic position in Middle East but this also leads to the increasing tensions in Anglo-Egyptian relations. Egypts domestic politics was expecting essential transformation because of various factors including economic crisis, price increase s and unemployment. These tensions continued to increase due to growth of radical groups and changed the attitude of Egyptian people attitude towards Great Britain and its presence in Egyptian territory. This tension and attitude was increased due to the role played by United Kingdom in creation and strengthen of Israel. Egyptian government also changed its policies according to its people demands and the anti-British policies came into effect creates tensions between Great Britain and Egypt. Egyptian government eliminated the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 one sided in 1951 because of that Treaty United Kingdom was a lessee of Suez base up to 35 years effective 1936 while Britain declined to withdraw from this Treaty because of its impinged treaty rights and also because of its presence of Suez garrison. Due to these decisions by the Egyptian government and British decline to accept decision of the Egyptian government, there was steady incline of aggressive antagonism towards the Britain and its military presence in Egypt. These tensions were escalating further and as result of 25 January 1952 British act to disarm the niggling police force in Ismailia which also led to 51 Egyptian causalities which started anti-British and western rebellions in Cairo which leads to heavy damage to property and causalities of foreigners including 11 British citizens. This provided the base of revolution in country and on 23 July 1952, a military takeover was started by the Free Officers Movement which was led by Muhammad Neguib and future Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser which resulted in establishment of Egyptian republic replacing King Farouk. Israeli cargo shipments to and from Israel through Suez Canal were interrupted and shattered by the Egyptians after the establishment of Israel in 1948. United Nations Security Council demanded from Egypt to remove any interference and restrictions for international shipment through Suez Canal and no one can cease the shipments. Great Britain desired to fix to revive the Anglo-Egyptian agreement. In 1954 Britain and Egypt made an agreement on the phase wise evacuation of British military presence from the Suez base within the 20 months while maintaining the base and British posses the right to return for at most seven years. In spite of agreement between Britain and Egypt, Nasser was remained in weak position. A domestic unrest once again emerged with the decisions of more two years British presence in country and loss of Egypts claim to Sudan and killing effort against Nasser in October 1954. Nasser made his perception due to his weaker position in the country, that neither his gove rnment nor Egypts Independence efforts can be achieved unless Egypt would be the head of the Arab countries. This is challenging tasks because strong British interests were present in the Middle East during the whole 1955 year. Nasser had strong concerns over Britain relations with two; Iraq and Jordan. Especially, he had strong concern over Iraq relations with the Britain because he perceived it would be difficult for his country to be the head of the Arab World in these circumstances. Baghdad Pact in 1955 assured him that Britain is trying to make a block headed by Baghdad to all Eastern Arab countries which might have sympathies with the Great Britain. Nassers response to all these aims by Great Britain influence in the region led to the Suez Crisis. Nasser attempted throughout 1955 and 1956 a number of policies that disturb Britains aspire throughout the Middle East and this increased aggression between the two countries. Nasser played a wide role with the aim that western defense simply implied colonialism in the region and the due to Arab weaknesses and differences present in them, especially in the case of Israel was a result of Britain plotting. He also attempted to revive and align his policies with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against the Britain whose rulers were always a great enemy of the Hashemite and put his efforts to draw Jordan, Syria and Lebanon not to include in the track Baghdad Pact. Nasser was also successful to withdraw Jordan from Baghdad Pact and in result King Hussein fired the British Commander in March 1956 and which affected Britains Middle East security policy and disturbed Britain in achieving his aims. Nasser continued as he planned further how to achieve his goals by signing an arms deal with the Cze choslovakia which enabled Egypt to not be dependent on Western arms. This led to achieve his goals when other members of Warsaw Pact also sold their weapons to Egypt and Syria. These efforts were done to increase Soviet Union influence in the Middle East and to hit Britains aims of having his own block in Middle East. This also evolved tensions in United States because with the efforts of Nasser now Soviet Union has firm presence in the Middle East. Great Britain was keen to stop Nasser in Egypt and looked forward for United States to provide support in this issue. But United States remained neutral as both Egypt and United States are willing to increase their own influence in the Arab World and want to head these states. Failure of Baghdad Pact reduced British influence in the Middle East. Great Britain was interested to through out Nasser from Egypt while United States had its own reservations over the arms deal with the Czech. These events brought the basis of crisis in spring and summer of 1956 when Nasser officially recognized the Peoples Republic of China which angered United States and its secretary of the state who was the major sponsor of Taiwan issue. In result of this move by Nasser, United States withdrew its all financial aid for the Egypt for the project of Aswan Dam in July 1956. Nasser responded to this act by nationalization of Suez Canal. During a speech in Alexandria in July 1956, Nasser pronounced the name of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the builder of the canal, which was a code word for the Egyptian forces to control and seize the canal and accord his orders of nationalization of the canal. He also declared that Nationalization Law has been established and published for Egypt with which all the possessions of the Suez Company had been seized and the stockholders would be paid on todays price on Paris Stock Exchange. This act by Nasser directly hit the British interests including its economy and military in the Middle East region. There was domestic pressure from the conservation MPs who directly compare the events of 1956 and 1938 Munich Agreement. As United States did not supported Britain protests, the government of Britain decided to invade Egypt to save its influence and military interests in the region. They did not directly invaded Egypt as it would anger the Washington and would cause damage to Anglo-Arab bilateral relations. England decided to secretly take control over the Suez Canal with the support of France and Israel. United States tried to control the situation and to reduce tensions were seemed as unsuccessful. After three months of nationalization of Suez Canal, France, Israel and Great Britain decided to invade into Egypt to take the control of the Suez Canal themselves. Plan was that Israel invade in Egypt and take control the Suez Canal and than Britain and France will force E gypt to revive Anglo-French management for the canal. Israel started the Operation Kadesh which will allow Israel to take control the Sham el-Sheikh, al-Arish, Abu Uwayulah and Gaza strip and with this it will have access to the Red Sea for the first time after 1953 which enable Israel for trading with other countries directly. Israel also wanted to control Gaza strip to control Fedayeen groups and also Egypt can attack on Israeli troops which will be advancing to Egypt. Al-Arish and Abu Uwayulah was considered to be the strong military base for Egyptian army in the Sinai. If it would be controlled the whole Egyptian resistance might be controlled. On the first day of the attack, Israel expecting that Jordan will help Egypt, they put their border police across the Israel-Jordan border. During this activity 48 Arab civilians were killed by Israeli border police which questioned ethics of war of Israel war. Operation Kadesh started on 29 October 1956 during which Israel dropped its battalion in Sinai but the actual landing was not according to the planned one and troops were several miles away from the Egyptian positions. This wasted time, energy and money during this activity. First succeed by Israeli was in Ras an-Naqb where they did not attacked from front side instead they enveloped the whole town and before Egyptian can defend they complete this all activity. They surrendered in front of Israeli forces. Israeli used their French Dassault Mystere fighters to provide cover to their transport aircrafts which dropped troops in Egyptian land. Egyptian Air Force flew their new MiG-15 jets as fighter lead and their old British De Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor for attacking on the Israel ground troops. During this air combat, seven Egyptians jets gone down while one Israeli air craft. When French and British Air and Naval forces attacked, Nasser ordered his pilots to stop and move t o southern bases which cleared the pathway for Israeli Air Force. To provide support to the troops and Air Force, British stayed their forces in Cyprus and Malta and many air craft carriers engaged there. Britain and France sent an challenge to Egypt and started bombing the aerodrome in Cairo from October 31 till November 3. In response to this attack Nasser order to destroy all 40 ships present in the canal. At November 5, British and French heavily bombarded the Egyptians and cause a strong damage to the Egyptians batteries and gun compounds and storage. Egyptians changed their planning and they acted in some areas to fight back until destroyed and on other hand, some were dumped with the little confrontation. In afternoon, French dropped its parachute regiment near Port Fouad which provided support for operations. In total 10 French soldiers killed and 30 injured during this activity. After these actions, street fighting and house clearing operations started where a strong opposition was faced by them due to Egyptian sniper commandos. In this total battle total 16 British soldiers were killed while 96 injured, 10 French was dead and Israel lost their 189 soldiers. The causalities at Egyptian side was not reliably measured but it is estimated that 650 were killed during Anglo-African operations and 1000 killed by the Israel attackers. This operation which had a goal to control the Suez Canal was successful by military point of view. United States was dealing with Hungarian revolution and did not actively play a role to stop all this because its two important western allies were involved into all this. Also they were feared that might be Soviet Union come to help Egypt and start heavy rocketing over Britain, Israel and France. Nasser requested help from United States of America at November 1 while not requested any Russian assistance which than leads to cease fire through UN. Although Britain and France vetoed the resolution of Security Council than US and Canada called upon the General Assembly to pass a resolution of cease fire. General Assembly consequently held emergency session to stop all this and Portugal and Iceland went deeply even to eject Britain and France from NATO if they did not withdraw from Egypt. Britain and France evacuated from Egypt within a week.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Handmaids Tale Essay -- English Literature Essays

The Handmaid's Tale Serena Joy is the most powerful female presence in the hierarchy of Gileadean women; she is the central character in the dystopian novel, signifying the foundation for the Gileadean regime. Atwood uses Serena Joy as a symbol for the present dystopian society, justifying why the society of Gilead arose and how its oppression had infiltrated the lives of unsuspecting people. Atwood individualises the character of Serena Joy, as her high status in the society demands power and the domination over the inferior members of the Commander’s household, such as Offred – a handmaid. This shows that Serena Joy has a sense of control, using this privilege to become â€Å"a woman who might bend the rules†; this is similar to the Commander, as Serena Joy is able to associate herself with the black market, for example â€Å"exchanging trade† for relics of the past such as cigarettes. Through the black market, Atwood suggests that Serena Joy is a representation of a society based on a biblical view, thriving to become pure and perfect on the surface, yet the powerful figures that should exemplify obedience to the rules are constantly exploiting their authority. Additionally, the presentation of Serena Joy as a character it made interesting by her contradiction of accepting the new-found Gileadean society; it is plain that she resents the arrangement of having a handmaid in the house keenly as a violation of her marriage; â€Å"My husband. I want that to be clear. Till death do...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech: Go Where There is No Path -- Graduation Speech, Com

My fellow classmates, the magic word today is commencement. This is the big finale to a hectic, overwhelming yet no doubt unforgettable four years at County High School. Robert Frost once said: "The best way out is always through," and similarly we have also learned in our math classes that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. There will always be an infinite number of paths we can take to arrive at a desired destination. Yet, the decision we make to continue looking ahead, instead of behind or around, is ultimately what determines how quickly we will get there. As seniors, we have successfully traveled "through," and though our paths have not all been identical, they have indeed taken us to the same place, our graduation. In retrospect, high school will fondly be looked upon as a time of memories or a time of discovery. Yet, when it's a gorgeous day in June and one happens to be a student plagued with a severe case of senioritis, "Show me to the nearest exit" "Get me outta here!" is a little more accurate. Whatever you may be feeling right now, I'm sure...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hunting laws Essay

Year after year in the hunting industry people have argued that crossbows should be legal for everyone during hunting season. Finally a few years ago the national hunting board of admnistratives passed a law stating, anyone can use a crossbow during the archery part of deer season. this new law take all the sport out of bow hunting, it makes illigally poaching deer tremendously easy, and also it teaches the newer generation of hunters the wrong way to hunt. As far back as hunting goes one of the hardest ways to kill an animal has been the bow. its an adrenaline rush pulling the bow back on a big whitetail. now their taking that thrill away by allowing the use of a crossbow. its taking all the sport out of bow hunting, with a regular bow a hard shot was 25 to 30 yards now thay have crossbows out that will shoot out to 85 yards. making it basicallly like a gun theres no pull back, its a trigger like a gun. as stated in NABC (North American Bowhunting Coalition) ( Crossbows are not bows. Crossbows have mostly rifle-like characteristics such as a gun stock for shoulder mounted shooting, trigger safety, optical sights, locked anc cocked at full draw by a mechanical device, carried loaded and ready to shoot, rigidly controlled internal ballistics, minimal movemnetn to shooting position and can be shot from a rest. ) Its not fair to the sport of hunting, used to it took a skilled archer to kill a deer, now a toddler could pull the trigger and kill one. The relaxed restriction on rossbow hunting makes poaching deer illigally much easier. Poacher have to fire off a gun, which was incredibly loud, which would scare deer off and let any game warden within 10 miles aware that something illigal was taking place. now we have givin poachers an easy route, a virtually silent killing machine. A poacher can kill a deer in a natioal park and no one would ever know they was there. However, some might say people could still poach with crossbow before they legalized them, and this is true, but now everyonne having crossbows in there truck on there way back from hunting puts a whole lot more pressure on the fact that they can take a long quite shot on a big deer on the side of the road. Its always in the back of every hunters mind when they see a deer on the side of the road, but now were giving every hunter the ultimate tool of being able to illigally shoot a deer with ease. Lastly but not least its teaching our newer genereation the improper way of hunting. Now were implying in our kids heads that its okay to shoot a deer at 80 yards with a crossbow. thats not right, they should hae to shot a regular bow and earn the deer instead of just pulling the trigger with these new crossbows. Its extremely inmportant to teach our kids good hunting skills like when to pul the bow back, how you have to make sure the deer isnt looking at you, but with corssbows it doesnt matter they just pull the trigger like a gun. I think we are abusing the right to use them. I think people with a physical disability should be the only ones legal to hunt with crossbows. not giving one to a teenager who just wants to go kill 20 deer just to say he did. Make kids and for that matter everyone go out and learn the right way with a real bow and arrow. I think we are ruinging the sport of hunting by allowing anyone use a crossbow to hunt deer. Its taking all the sport out of hunting, making illigally poaching deer like a walk in the park, and also teaching the newer genereations of hunters the wrong way to hunt.. There a lot of facts to support my claims, its a no brainer that the national hunting assosoation made the wrong decicsion by passing the law that crossbows are legal for anyone.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

25 Good Reasons for Hating My Brother Todd Essay

The plot of the story is about a boy named Emery listing throughout the story, 25 reasons why he hates his brother Todd. The story is told from first person by Emery. Emery is not an average 15 year old, he dresses like a forty year old and he is much more mature than his age and stands out from all the others. When the girl Emery likes, Jodi, gets partnered up with him she isn’t very happy about it till they go to Emery’s house and she sees Todd. Jodi immediately falls in love with him and Todd likes her too. Todd asked Emery if it was okay for him to ask out Jodi, and Emery says he doesn’t like her anyways. Then Emery gets mad and puts his head down on his desk and Todd makes sure if he’s okay. Emery’s older brother Todd does things to annoy Emery unintentionally but Emery thinks he’s doing it all intentionally. The things Todd does is what an average older sibling does, but Emery thinks its just Todd acting big. From Emery’s point of view, Todd is an annoying older brother who acts big about the things he can do. From the point of view the story is told, you can tell Todd isn’t the way Emery thinks he is, he makes sure it is okay for him to ask out the girl Emery likes. When Emery disliked that idea, he puts his head down, and Todd tries to comfort him. Emery makes the list not because he hates his brother Todd for the things he lists, but to make him feel better about Todd asking out the girl Emery â€Å"loves†. Emery is jealous of his brother Todd because he is so much better than everything than him and he is more popular. It’s a common rivalry between older and younger brothers. Todd actually cares about Emery but he always takes everything Todd does in a negative way. The moral of this story is that you can’t stay mad at your family members forever, family always sticks together.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Oil Price and Petrochemical Manufacturing in UAE Essay

Oil Price and Petrochemical Manufacturing in UAE - Essay Example The research investigates the immediate impacts that falling oil prices pose to UAE’s economy. It explores the effects of falling oil prices on UAE’s economy. The relationship between oil production firms and petrochemical producing industries are essential to the research. The research will investigate the impacts and effects of falling oil prices on petrochemical manufacturing in UAE. The falling prices risk the survival of petrochemical manufacturing industries that also contribute to the economic stability and income of UAE. The risked survival may render some of the employees in Petrochemical sector jobless raising the level of unemployment in the country. The unemployment crisis lowers the per capita within the country reducing the country’s Gross Domestic Income (GDP) in turn. Finally, the research will draft and recommend possible solutions to the effects of falling oil prices on UAE’s economy. The International Energy Agency asserts that the fall in oil prices translates into a cut in the production of petrochemical products. The effect of this is a retard in the growth of the petrochemical industries, which are also a major contributor to the UAE’s economy. OPEC reports that a fall in oil prices slows the global growth. A decline in the oil prices increases demand for oil products at the expense of petrochemical products. The source explains the manner in which falling oil prices undermine the competitive advantage of petrochemical products. The reduced competitive advantage lowers the total sales of the products endangering the firms.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Current Events in Public Health Leadership and the Fiedler Contingency Assignment

Current Events in Public Health Leadership and the Fiedler Contingency Theory - Assignment Example gs forth to two factors in leadership referred to as leadership style and situational favorableness as outlined in fielder contingency model (Ornstein, & Lunenburg, 2007). This paper seeks to analyze a recent activity in relation to Fielder Contingency Model. Alzheimer disease is a disease that affects the human brain and if not treated at an advanced stage may have lethal consequences. As such, it has been necessary to carry out research on the disease in order to look into the problem and propose solutions that might eliminate it, or provide medicine effective in avowing adverse effects on the victims. Research entails looking into a specified problem and using relevant literature and results obtained, bring out a solution. In this regard, research might include different parties and the success of the entire project is determined by the coordination of each and every party. Therefore, good leadership is essential to ensure smooth undertaking of the research. The research on Alzheimer disease was executed using rats as specimen, as Terrence believed argued , â€Å"We believe the rats will be an excellent, stringent pre-clinical model for testing experimental Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics† (Thomas para 2). From the research, it emerged that high level of beta-amyloid in the brain leads to the occurrences of the health disorder, Alzheimer. The disease affects a substantive percentage of American population, about five million, making it an important aspect of research, which would ensure that citizens live happy lives, free from diseases. The research on Alzheimer disease was carried out by a team of experts headed by Professor Terrence Town. Each person acted at different capacity and the joined effort led to the success realized. In concluding presenting the results, Professor Neil argued that presenting the results to interested researchers with results obtained would be of great help in the future. This is an aspect of good leadership as in recognizes